Ernaningsih Ernaningsih, Muhammad Jamal, Hasnidar Hasnidar, Siti Hadijah


Kepulauan Spermonde merupakan salah satu wilayah tangkapan utama ikan kerapu macan (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) di Sulawesi Selatan. Jika upaya penangkapan terus ditingkatkan tanpa mempertimbangkan potensi dan kondisi populasi, dikhawatirkan dapat menggangu kelestarian sumberdaya kerapu di masa datang. Oleh karena itu diperlukan kajian parameter populasi dan tingkat eksploitasi agar kelestarian sumberdaya kerapu macan tetap terjaga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk parameter populasi dan laju eksploitasi ikan kerapu macan (E. fuscogttatus) di Kepulauan Spermonde Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan September 2021 – Desember 2021 di Wilayah Kepulauan Spermonde Sulawesi Selatan. Metode penelitian berupa pengukuran panjang total dan berat ikan kerapu macan sebanyak 1.032 ekor dari hasil tangkapan nelayan dan pedagang pengumpul yang didaratkan di PPI Paotere, Makassar. Parameter yang diamati meliputi distribusi ukuran panjang, hubungan panjang bobot, laju pertumbuhan, laju mortalitas total, alami dan penangkapan dan laju eksploitasi yang dianalisis secara deskriptif dan dengan program ELEFAN. Hasil analisis panjang rata-rata ikan kerapu macan (E. fuscoguttatus) di Kepulauan Spermonde berukuran antara ukuran 19,00 cm – 40,00 cm, (N = 1.023). Hubungan panjang bobot allometrik minor, kecepatan. pertumbuhan 0,45/thn, laju kematian penangkapan lebih besar dari laju kematian alami, laju eksploitasi sebesar 0,61 (over eksploitasi).

Spermonde Islands is one of the main catchment areas of tiger grouper fish (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) in South Sulawesi. If arrest efforts continue to be improved without considering the potential and condition of the population, it is feared that it can interfere with the sustainability of grouper resources in the future. Therefore, a study of population parameters and eksploitation rates is needed so the sustainability of tiger grouper resources is maintained. The study aimed at population parameters and the rate of exploitation of tiger grouper fish (E. fuscoguttatus) in the Spermonde Islands of South Sulawesi. The study was conducted from September 2021 to December 2021 in the Spermonde Islands Region of South Sulawesi. The research method in the form of measurements of the total length and weight 1032 catch of tiger grouper fish from the catch of fishermen and collecting traders landed at PPI Paotere, Makassar. The observed parameters include the distribution of length size, weight length relationship, growth rate, total mortality rate, natural and capture and rate of exploitation analyzed descriptively and with the ELEFAN program. The results of the analysis of the average length of tiger grouper fish (E. fuscoguttatus) in the Spermonde Islands measured between the size of 19.00 cm – 40.00 cm, (N = 1,023). Relationship length-weight of minor allometric, growth rate of 0.45/year, arrest death rate greater than natural mortality rate, exploitation rate of 0.61 (over exploitation) 


Pertumbuhan; kematian; eksploitasi; kerapu macan; Kepulauan Spermonde

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