Bram Setyadji, Asep Priatna


Planktonmerupakan komponen penting dalamkehidupan akuatik karena fungsi biologisnya yang penting sebagai
mata rantai paling dasar dalam rantai makanan dan merupakan organisme yang menduduki kunci utama di dalam ekosistem bahari. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulanMei, Juli, dan Nopember 2010 yangmewakili musimperalihan I, musim timur dan musim barat dengan tujuan mengetahui distribusi kelimpahan spasial dan temporal fitoplankton dan zooplankton di Teluk Tomini. Kelimpahan fitoplankton dan zooplankton tertinggi terdapat pada musim barat sebesar 177.666 sel/m3 dan 7.088 ind/m3, sedangkan terendah pada musim timur sebesar 4.878 sel/m3 dan 1.118 ind/ m3. Tingkat indek keaneka-ragaman (H) baik fitoplankton dan zooplankton sedang, indek keseragaman (E) rendah hingga sedang, dan tidak ditemukan jenis tertentu yang dominan. Chaetoceros, Coscinodiscus, dan Rhizosolenia dari kelas Bacillariophyceae merupakan fitoplankton yangmempunyai frekuensi kehadiran yang tinggi, sedangkan Crustaceae merupakan zooplankton yang dominan. Konsentrasi sebaran terdapat dimulut teluk dan tersebar relatif sesuai dengan musim.


Plankton plays important role in aquatic life due to its significant biological function as basic food chain in oceanic ecosystem. This studywas conducted on May, July, and November representing north-west monsoon, east monsoon, and west monsoon, respectively. The purposed of this study is to know the spatial and temporal distribution and the abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton in Tomini Bay. Results showed that the highest abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton were 177.667 cell/m3 and 7.088 ind/m3 that appeared at north-west monsoon, while the lowest were 4.878 cell/m3 and 1.118 ind/m3 that shown in south-east monsoon. The diversity index (H) for both Phytoplankton and Zooplankton were in medium (1<H<3), while the eveness index (E) range from low (d”1) to medium. There were no dominance species found. However, Chaetoceros, Coscinodiscus and Rhizosolenia that representing Bacillariophyceae showed a high frequency of appearance, while Crustaceae group were the dominance of zooplankton. The distribution of plankton concentrated in the mouth of the bay and relatively distributed according to seasons.


fitoplankton; zooplankton; kelimpahan; distribusi; spasial; temporal; Teluk Tomini

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/bawal.3.6.2011.387-395

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