Siti Mardlijah, Enjah Rahmat


Intensitas penangkapan juvenil ikan madidihang (Thunnus albacares) di Teluk Tomini terutama terjadi sejak banyaknya beroperasi purse seine di perairan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran eksploitasi ikan madidihang juvenil dengan hand line dan purse seine di perairan Teluk Tomini.  Penelitian  dilakukan pada tahun 2007 dan 2010.  Sampel ikan madidihang merupakan hasil tangkapan hand line dan  purse seine yang yang beroperasi di rumpon di perairan Teluk Tomini. Hasil tangkapan madidihang juvenil dari hand line sebesar 88,11%, sedangkan hasil tangkapan ikan madidihang juvenil dengan purse seine sebesar 100% (seluruh hasil tangkapan adalah juvenil ).  Panjang pertama kali ikan madidihang yang tertangkap dengan hand line 31,6 cm FL dan dengan purse seine 30 cm FL.  Penangkapan ikan juvenil madidihang terjadi setiap bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sudah terjadi tekanan penangkapan yang sangat tinggi terhadap juvenil ikan madidihang.


The high intensity of juvenils yellowfin tuna (Thunuus albacares) in Tomini bay has occurred after purse seine operated in this area. The aim of the research on “Exploitation of juvenile yellowfin tuna  in Tomini Bay”  was to give clear feature on yellowfin tuna juvenile exploitation by hand line and purse seine in Tomini Bay. The research was conducted in 2007 and 2010. All samples of yellow fin tuna were caught by hand line and purse seine which were operated in Tomini Bay. The result showed that juvenile yellowfin tuna were caught by hand line was about 88.11% from the total catch of hand line, while the juvenile yellowfin tuna caught by purse seine was 100%.  Length of first captune of yellowfin tuna by handline and purse seine was 31.6 cm FL and 30 cm. Fishing juvenile yellowfin tuna occurs every month.  Moreover, that condition was showing and giving the indication that the exploitation of juvenile yellowfin tuna was very high that may endanger their sustainability. 


Juvenil; madidihang; hand line; purse seine; Teluk Tomini

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