Kajian tentang keanekaragaman jenis Ekhinodermata di perairan Talise, Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara dilakukan pada bulan Juli dan Agustus 2009 di sembilan lokasi dengan tujuan untuk melihat komposisi jenis, struktur komunitas, zonasi dan sebaran lokal. Pengambilan contoh biota dilakukan dengan menggunakan transek kuadrat ukuran 1m x 1m. Pada bulan Juli terkoleksi 20 jenis fauna Ekhinodermata dari 5 lokasi yang mewakili 7 jenis Holothuroidea, 8 jenis Echinoidea dan 5 jenis Asteroidea. Pada bulan Agustus terkoleksi 13 jenis yang mewakili 3 jenis Holothuroidea, 7 jenis Echinoidea dan 3 jenis Asteroidea. Dari 4 lokasi yang diamati, teripang (Holothuroidea) merupakan kelompok yang paling menonjol untuk daerah lamun. Hasil transek seluruh lokasi menunjukkan bahwa kelompok bulu babi (Echinoidea) menempati tingkat kekayaan jenis relatif tinggi. Hasil analisis di seluruh lokasi pengamatan diperoleh indek diversitas tertinggi (H = 1,06) dan kekayaan jenis tertinggi (D = 12,91) terdapat di pantai Bulu, nilai indek kemerataan tertinggi terdapat pada lokasi pantai Kebun 2 (J = 0,95). Fauna Ekhinodermata di perairan Talise, Minahasa Utara, memiliki keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan yang rendah dibandingkan dengan di Perairan Tanjung Pai, Padaido Biak. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa telah terjadi eksploitasi berlebih terhadap fauna Ekhinodermata bernilai ekonomis, seperti berbagai jenis teripang.
Biodiversity of Echinoderms in Talise water, North Minahasa, North Sulawesi Province have been observed at nine locations during July and August 2009. The purpose of the study was to know the species composition, community structure, zonation and spatial distribution of Echinoderm. Sampling was done by using a 1 m x 1 m transect frame. Twenty species of Echinoderms, belonging to 7 species of Holothuroidea, 8 species of Echinoidea and 5 species of Asteroidea were collected on July at 5 stasions, while on August there were thirteen species of Echinoderms, belonging to 3 species Holothuroidea, 7 species of Echinoidea, and 3 species of Asteroidea collected at 4 observation sites. Generally, Holothuroidea (sea cucumber) are the main group that often found on the seagrass beds. Based on the population density, Echinoidea (sea urchin) was the dominant group and highest in individual density. The quantitative analysis on the ecological indices revealed that Echinoidea has the highest species richness (D = 12.91). At pantai Bulu diversity index of faunal assemblage (H = 1.06). The highest evenness index was exhibited at pantai Kebun 2 (J = 0.95). In general, the number of species of Echinoderm fauna in the Talise were lower than those in Tanjung Pai, Padaido islands, Biak. This indicates that over-exploitation have been occured in the study sites, especially for sea cucumber which has economically values.
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