Fathur Rochman, Bram Setyadji, Arief Wujdi


Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) is the third dominant catch of Indonesian tuna longline fishery operating in the eastern Indian Ocean. The percentage production of albacore catch was reaching up 6% of the total catch of tuna groups in Indonesia. Thi study aims to examine a relative abundance indices using standardized catch per unit of effort (CPUE) of longliner based on albacore tuna. This information will give a valuable input and information to support stock assessment particularly in the regional basis. In this study, we use Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with Tweedie distribution to standardize the CPUE and to estimate relative abundance indices based on the Indonesian longline dataset time series. Data were collected from January 2006 to October 2015 (106 trip observer and 8.989 fishing days) by conducting direct onboard observation on tuna longline vessels operating in the Indian Ocean. The result show that year, area,hooks between floats, year*season, year*area and year* hooks between floats significantly influenced the nominal CPUE of albacore. The highest value of Standardized CPUE appeared in 2014 and probably related to the large number of foreign fishing vessels with a high capacity (over 60 GT) targeting frozen tuna including albacore. In 2015, standardized CPUE value was sharply decreased due to the ban of foreign vessels in Indonesia. 


Standardization; albacore; generalized linear model; Indian Ocean

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