Rusmilyansari Rusmilyansari, Emmy Sri Mahreda


Penelitian ini bertujuan: Mengetahui Tipologi konflik, Mengembangkan resolusi konflik dan memetakan kelembagaan resolusi konflik. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi kasus. Data bersumber pada data primer dan sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan metode snowballing melalui key informan. Data sekunder dikumpulkan berdasarkan dokumen-dokumen di masa lalu serta klipping surat kabar. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif, spot mapping, times line. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Konflik nelayan pada kasus pembagian daerah penangkapan ikan merupakan tipologi yuridiksi perikanan, nelayan masih menganut pola pemmbagian zona daerah penangkapan tradisional. Konflik nelayan pada kasus perbedaan alat tangkap tradisional dan modifikasi termasuk tipologi alokasi internal dan mekanisme pengelolaan. Masalah lainnya adalah adanya perbedaan posisi, kebutuhan, kepentingan, pandangan dan konteks dikalangan nelayan dalam posisi yang sama. (2) Resolusi konflik lampara dasar diselesaikan dengan cara negosiasi secara kekeluargaan, tidak ada kesepakatan tertulis. Resolusi konflik dapat juga terjadi secara avoidance yang berhenti dengan sendirinya berdasarkan kesadaran masing-masing. (3) Lembaga yang terlibat dalam penyelesaian konflik yaitu DKP Kalsel, DKP Kotabaru, INSAN, TNI AL, Polair, Polres/Polsek, WALHI, DPRD, POKMASWAS. Diperlukan teknologi komunikasi informasi yang dapat diterima dengan cepat agar konflik dapat terdeteksi sedini mungkin

The objectives of this study are: finding out the typology of conflict, develop conflict resolution and mapping the institutional conflict resolution. The study used case study method. Data is sourced from primary and secondary data. Primary data collection is done by observation and snowballing method through key informant. Secondary data are collected based on past documents and newspaper clippings. Data were analyzed descriptively, spot mapping and times line. The results of the research show (1) Fisherman conflicts in the case of division of fishing areas is a typology of fishery jurisdiction in which fishermen still adhere to the traditional zone pattern of fishing areas. Conflicts in traditional fishing gear warfare cases and modifications was part of the internal allocation typology and management mechanisms. Other sources of conflict were different positions, needs, interests, views and context among fishermen in the same position. (2) Conflict resolution due to the use of lampara dasar (mini trawl) is settled by means of a familial negotiation, no written agreement. Avoidance is another Conflict resolution, based on their respective awareness. (3) Institutions involved in conflict resolution are DKP Kalsel, DKP Kotabaru, INSAN, TNI AL, Polair, Polres / Polsek, WALHI, DPRD, POKMASWAS. There is a need for information communications technology that can be received quickly so that the conflict can be detected as early as possible.


Resolusi; Konflik; nelayan; perairan; teritorial; Kotabaru

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