Untuk memperoleh hasil tangkapan yang maksimal, informasi suhu, dan kedalaman mata pancing tuna long line yang efektif perlu diketahui. penelitian mengenai suhu dan kedalaman mata pancing di perairan samudera Hindia telah dilakukan pada butan Juli-Agustus 2005 dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu dan kedalaman mala pancing tuna long irne terhada[ hasil tangkapan tuna Hasil penelitian menuniukkan bahwa hasir tangkapan utama didominansi oleh ikan tuna mata besar 95,04%. sedangkan hasir tangkapan sampingan didominansi oreh tancetish 427!ok. Ralarata laju tangkap tuna di perairan samudera Hindia 0,52%. Daerah penangkapan berada di seratan Jawa Timur dan di ruar perairan zona Ekonomi Eksrusif indonesia. Mati pancing terdaram hasil perhitungan dengan metode yoshihara diperoreh pada pancing no.10 yaitu 359,i-g79,r1 m dan kedalaman lerendah terdapat pada pancing no.'r yaitu 101,13-121,13 m. Hasir pengukuran mnllog menunjukkan bahwa pancing lerdalam terdapat pancing no.1o, yaitu 380,60 m dengan suhu 10,60.6 dan kedalaman pancing terendah terdapat pada pan;ing 1 dengan kedaraman is1,1o.n dengun suhu 20.60'c. rkan tuna mata besar tertangkap pada kedaraman goo,o-ggs,g m, maoioinang zsd,o- 299'9 m' dan albakora '150,0-'199,9 m. rkan tuna mata besar tertangkap pada kisaran sutiu to,o- 13,9"C, madidihang 16,0-16,9.C, dan albakora 2O.O_20.9.C.
To obtain maximum catch, the information of temperature and effective depth of tuna long tine llooks are impoftant to be known. Research on temperature and depth of tuna Ildbn long line hoiks in ocean was done in Jury-August 2oos, to know the infruence of temperature and depth of tuna long line hooks to the catch. Resr/rs show that the target species was dominated by btigeye tuna (95,04%), while the bvcatch was dominated by rancetfish (42,79%L Hook rate of tinai in rndian ocean was around 0,52%. Fishing ground was inside in the south of East Java walers and outside the territoial water of lndonesian Exclusive Economic zone. The deepest hook that caicutated by the Yoshihara method obtained at hook number 1o that was 3sg.11 379.11 m deplh and the towest at hook number 1 that was 101.13 121.13 m depth. The depth hom minirog measurement indicated that the deepest hook was at hook number 10 of 3g0.60 m with the temperature of 1o.6o.c and the shallowest was at hook number 1 of 151.10 m with the temperature of 20.60" c. The tunas were caugllt at 300 0-399.9 m, 250.0-299.9 m and 1so.o-l99.9 m water depth respectively for bigeye, yellowiin, and albacore. rn term of water temperature, bigeye was caught at 10.0-13.b'c, yitowiii at ta,o- 16,9'C, and albacore at 20.0-20.9.C.
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