Dian Oktaviani, Samedi Samedi


Sumatera Selatan merupakan salah satu pemasok labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) bagi pasar internasional, sedangkan informasi mengenai pemanfaatan sedikit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui status pemanfaatan labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) di Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian didasarkan pada data perdagangan sebagai bentuk pemanfatan yang dihubungkan dengan keberlanjutan spesies tersebut di alam. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui wawancara dengan penangkap dan penampung labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) di Palembang dan sekitar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dari bulan Februari 2006 – Februari 2007. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga spesies labi-labi yang dimanfaatkan sebagai komoditas perdagangan, yaitu Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert 1770, Dogania subplana Geoffroy 1809, dan Pelochelys cantorii Gray 1864. Spesies dominan dimanfaatkan adalah A. cartilaginea (84,28%) yang masuk dalam daftar Appendiks II CITES. Penilaian Non Detrimental Findings (NDF) terhadap pemanfaatan A. cartilaginea mengindikasikan bahwa populasi spesies tersebut di alam terancam kerusakan. Pemecahan yang perlu dilakukan adalah penegakan hukum dan implementasi peraturan yang efektif.


South Sumatra is one of the major sources of softshell turtle (Testudines; Trionychidae) in international trade, but the little information was available of local utilization. The study was conducted to fill such a gap, especially on the nature of the trade in relation to the sustainability of the population and trade of the species. The research was aimed to identify the level of local and international utilization in several species of soft shell fresh water turtles (Testudines; Trionychidae). The method applied in the research are interview with collectors and local traders located in Palembang and surrounding area. Data collection included field surveys and visits to collectors/traders undertaken fromFebruary 2006 to February 2007. The results showed that there were three species of Trionychidae in significant trade. These were Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert 1770, Dogania subplana Geoffroy 1809, and Pelochelys cantorii Gray 1864. It was also found that A. cartilaginea was dominant species compared with the other species, accounted for (84.28%). Following the inclusion of A. cartilaginea in CITES Appendix II determination of Non Detrimental Findings (NDF) was considered essential. It was indicated from the analysis that harvest and subsequent trade in A. cartilaginea population in South Sumatera showed a detrimental trend. One of the solutions is the implementation of effective law enforcement and regulation.


status pemanfaatan; labi-labi; Trionychidae; non detrimental findings; Sumatera Selatan

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