Agustinus Anung Widodo, Ignatius Trihargiyatno, Regi Fiji Anggawangsa, Wudianto Wudianto


Dalam rangka mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan dan inisiasi pengelolaan perikanan tuna neritik di WPPNRI 573, telah dilakukan penelitian dengan mengambil kasus perikanan tuna neritik berbasis di PPN Prigi-Jawa Timur. Data diperoleh melalui program port sampling pada tahun 2013-2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produksi tuna neritik yaitu tongkol lisong (BLT), tongkol krai (FRI), tongkol komo (KAW), dan tongkol abu-abu (LOT) rata-rata sebesar 8.120 ton per tahun. Dari jumlah tersebut, 99,56% diproduksi melalui perikanan pukat cincin (PS) dan sisanya dari perikanan jaring insang hanyut (dGN), payang (DS), dan pancing tonda-pancing ulur (TR-sHL dan dHL). CPUE nominal PS selama 5 tahun terakhir terus menurun, rata-rata 0,891 ton/hari. Komposisi jenis tangkapan PS meliputi BLT (91,52 %), FRI (6,68 %), KAW (1,78 %) dan LOT (0,01 %). Sebanyak 99% BLT yang tertangkap PS merupakan ikan yuwana, sedangkan FRI, KAW, dan LOT sebagian besar tertangkap pada ukuran dewasa masing sebanyak 73%, 70%, dan 55%. Tuna neritik termasuk spesies peruaya jauh, maka pengelolaannya di WPPNRI 573 harus mengacu pada acuan pengelolaan Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC). Mengacu hasil Work Party Neritic Tuna (WPNT) IOTC tahun 2016 dan 2018, maka pengelolaan perikanan tuna neritik di WPPNRI 573 berbasis di PPN Prigi adalah sebagai berikut: (1) hingga 2025 jumlah hasil tangkapan BLT dan FRI harus dikendalikan masing-masing pada jumlah 9.818 ton dan 48 ton per tahun; (2) hingga 2023 tangkapan KAW ditetapkan pada jumlah ± 98 ton per tahun (80% jumlah tangkapan tahun 2013); dan (3) hingga tahun 2025 jumlah tangkapan LOT disarankan sama dengan tangkapan 2015 yaitu ± 1.13 ton per tahun. 

To describe the utilization and management initiation of tuna neritic fisheries in the Indonesian FMA-RI 573, a research has been conducted by taking the case at the Prigi Fishing Port, East Java. Data were obtained through the port sampling program in 2013-2017. Results show that the production of neritic tuna, namely bullet tuna (BLT), frigate tuna (FRI), kawa-kawa (KAW), and longtail tuna (LOT) was 8,120 tons per year on average. 99.56% of the amount were produced by purse seine (PS) fisheries, the rest came from drifting gill nets (dGN), danish-seine (DS), and the combination of trolling line and surface-deep hand line (TR-sHL and dHL) fisheries. The nominal CPUE of PS over the past 5 years has continued to decline, averaging 0.891 tons/day. The composition of PS catches includes BLT (91.52%), FRI (6.68%), KAW (1.78%) and LOT (0.01%). Large numbers (99%) of the BLT caught by PS were juvenile fish, while at the same time FRI, KAW, and LOT were mostly caught at the adult stage. Neritic tuna is a highly migratory species, so its management in the Indonesian FMARI 573 must refer to the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission-IOTC recommendations. Referring to the results of WPNT-IOTC in 2016 and 2018, the management of neritic tuna fisheries in the Indonesian FMA-RI 573 based at Prigi Fishing Port is as follows: (1) up to 2025, the catches of BLT and FRI must be controlled at 9,818 and 48 tons per year, respectively; (2) up to 2023, the catches of KAW are set at ± 98 tons per year (80% of the total catch in 2013); and (3) up to 2025, the catch of LOT is recommended the same as in 2015, which is ± 1.13 tons per year.


pemanfaatan; pengelolaan; tuna neritik; WPPNRI 573

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