Ayuningtyas Indrawati, Isa Nagib Edrus, Tri Aryono Hadi


Perairan karang Taman Nasional Komodo merupakan wilayah penangkapan ikan dan daerah tujuan wisata laut. Kondisi tutupan karang pada umumnya sudah di bawah 50%, namun dampak yang akan muncul terhadap ikan karang belum diteliti dan hal ini dibutuhkan bagi pengelolaan kawasan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan karakteristik struktur komunitas ikan karang, meliputi komposisi, sebaran, kepadatan stok, dan biomassa ikan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2019 dengan mengunakan metode sensus bawah air pada transek garis permanen untuk masing-masing stasiun penelitian. Sensus visual mendapatkan 128 spesies ikan target dari 21 suku dan 30 spesies ikan indikator dari suku Chaetodontidae. Rata-rata kepadatan stok ikan target dan ikan indikator adalah masing-masing 182 ± 67 individu/350m2 dan 35 ± 15 individu/350m2. Ukuran panjang ikan terbanyak antara 15 cm – 30 cm. Biomassa ikan target sebesar 1.174 ± 617 kg/hektar. Ikan karang target dan ikan indikator yang memiliki sebaran luas masing-masing 13 spesies dan 2 spesies . Komposisi kehadiran jenis ikan target di lokasi penelitian hanya 3% yang berdistribusi sangat tinggi, 7% berdistribusi tinggi, 18% berdistribusi sedang, 21% berdistribusi rendah dan 51% berdistribusi sangat rendah. Sementara jenis-jenis ikan indikator yang intensitas distribusinya sangat tinggi dan tinggi hanya 7%, dan lainnya tergolong sedang (23%), rendah (40%) sampai sangat rendah (23%). Kondisi sebaran spesies diduga menyebabkan keanekaragaman ikan karang pada keseluruhan lokasi penelitian terhitung tinggi, tetapi rendah untuk masing-masing lokasi penelitian. Semua lokasi di dalam kawasan taman nasional maupun diluar taman diperlukan pemantauan dengan porsi yang sama dan dilakukan secara berkala.

Coral Reef Waters of Komodo National Park are fishing grounds and marine tourism destinations. The last condition of coral cover percentages of the regions have sustained below of 50%, however, their future potential impacts on fishes have not been studied and these will be needed in other to manage the regions. The study aimed to update reef fishes data in terms of some features of a community reef fish structure including composition, distribution, density, and biomass. A study was carried out in June, 2019 by using an underwater census visual at a permanent transect belt in the respective study sites. A total of 128 target fish species were recorded belonging to 21 families and 30 indicator fish species of Cahetodontidae were succesfully identified. The density mean of target and indicator fishes are 182 ± 67 individual/350m2 and 35 ± 15 individual/350m2, respectively. Most of fish sizes ranged from 15 cm to 30 cm. The biomass mean of target fishes are 1,174 ± 617 kg/hectare. Only for 13 species of target fishes that have high distribution in overall the study sites and 2 species of indicator fishes, as well. Composition present of target reef fishes in the distribution area given were in levels of 3% very high, 7% high, 18% fair, 21% low,and 51% veri low. Meanwhile, those for indicator fishes were in levels of 7% very high and high, 23% fair, 40% low, and 23% veri low. There was mayor significant diversity of reef fishes for overall study sites, however those was minor for respective study sites.The whole locations weather in-side or out-side of Komodo National Park need the equal portion for priodical monitoring.


Ikan Karang Target; Ikan Karang Indikator; Struktur Komunitas; Taman Nasional Komodo

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jppi.26.2.2020.75-92

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