Yanti Inneke Nababan, Hasan Nasrullah, Widanarni Widanarni, Munti Yuhana, Alimuddin Alimuddin


Fruktooligosakarida (FOS) merupakan salah satu jenis prebiotik yang berpotensi menjadi feed additive dalam budidaya udang vaname. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi suplementasi prebiotik FOS melalui pakan terhadap tingkat ekspresi gen terkait metabolisme dan performa pertumbuhan udang vaname. Pakan uji berupa pakan komersil yang disuplementasi prebiotik FOS (Pre) dengan empat dosis berbeda dan masing-masing terdiri atas tiga ulangan yaitu: Pre-0% (kontrol), Pre-0,5%; Pre-1%, dan Pre-2%. Udang dengan bobot rata-rata 1,58 ± 0,21 g dipelihara dalam bak fiber (volume 1 m3) dengan kepadatan 100 ekor per bak. Pemberian pakan dilakukan selama 30 hari dengan dosis 6% dari bobot biomassa udang. Bobot tubuh diukur setiap 10 hari (n=10) dan tingkat ekspresi gen diukur dari hepatopankreas pada akhir pemeliharaan (n=3) dengan metode quantitative-realtime PCR (qPCR). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian prebiotik FOS dapat meningkatkan ekspresi gen terkait metabolisme pada udang vaname. Suplementasi prebiotik FOS memberikan bobot rata-rata, pertumbuhan harian, dan tingkat sintasan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan kontrol (p>0,05). Perlakuan Pre-0,5% menunjukkan rata-rata tingkat ekspresi gen tertinggi, namun performa pertumbuhan, dan sintasan tidak berbeda (p>0,05) dengan perlakuan Pre-2%.

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are natural feed additives with potential application in feed for Pacific white shrimp. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of prebiotic FOS supplementation on the modulation of metabolism-related gene expression and growth performance of Pacific white shrimp. A trial feed consisted of commercial feed supplemented with different doses of FOS: Pre-0% (control), Pre-0.5%, Pre-1%, and Pre-2%; each with triplicate. Pacific white shrimp with an average body weight of 1.58 ± 0.21 g were reared in fiber tanks (d=1.5 m3) with a density of 100 shrimp/tank for each treatment. The shrimp were given the treatment feed five times per day at 6% of the total body mass for 30 days. Shrimp body weight was measured every ten days (n=10). The gene expression level was measured from the hepatopancreas (n=3) by the quantitative-real time PCR (qPCR) method. The results showed that FOS supplementation increased the metabolism-related gene expression levels. FOS supplementation improved the average body weight, average daily growth, and survival higher than control (p<0.05). Pre-0.5% treatment showed the highest average gene expression despite growth performance and survival were not significantly different (p>0.05) compared to Pre-2% treatment. This study concludes that the application of FOS in the feed improves the growth performance of Pacific white shrimp, notably in gained weight, reduced FCR and improved survival rate.


prebiotik; FOS; ekspresi gen; metabolisme; udang vaname; prebiotic; FOS; gene expression; metabolism; Pacific white shrimp

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