IDENTIFIKASI IKAN CUPANG (Betta imbelis) TRANSGENIK FOUNDER MEMBAWA GEN PENYANDI HORMON PERTUMBUHAN; Identification of Transgenic Founder Betta Fish (Betta imbelis) Carry Growth Hormone Gene.
Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi keberhasilan introduksi gen penyandi hormon pertumbuhan (Growth Hormone, GH) pada induk F-0 ikan Betta imbellis. Ikan transgenik F-0 dibuat dengan menggunakan metode transfeksi. Identifikasi dilakukan menggunakan metode RT-PCR. RNA total diekstraksi dari embrio pooled sample hasil persilangan induk transgenik dan non-transgenik. Berdasarkan analisis ekspresi gen pada embrio juga menunjukkan adanya aktivitas ekspresi gen GH pada semua perlakuan dibandingkan dengan kontrol (embrio hasil persilangan non-transgenik x non-transgenik). Jumlah individu induk F-0 yang membawa gen GH eksogen berdasarkan analisis PCR dengan DNA template dari sirip ekor adalah sebanyak 16%. Individu positif membawa gen GH eksogen tersebut dibesarkan lebih lanjut untuk memproduksi Betta imbellis transgenik F-1. Kandidat ikan transgenik jantan F-0 dikawinkan dengan ikan non-transgenik betina, sedangkan transgenik F-0 betina dikawinkan dengan non-transgenik jantan. Sebanyak 30-50 butir embrio hasil pemijahan F-0 digabung, kemudian DNA genom diekstrak. Sebagian embrio digunakan untuk ekstraksi RNA total untuk analisis ekspresi mRNA GH eksogen. Hasil analisis PCR menunjukkan bahwa semua sampel embrio dari induk transgenik F-0 dapat terdeteksi gen GH eksogen, sedangkan untuk kontrol (non-transgenik) tidak terdeteksi. Ekspresi mRNA juga terdeteksi pada embrio F-1. Dengan demikian, metode transfeksi embrio Betta imbellis efektif digunakan untuk menghasilkan ikan transgenik, dan sangat berpotensi menghasilkan individu F-1 Betta imbellis dengan pertumbuhan lebih cepat.
The study was conducted to identify the successful introduction of the growth hormone gene (Growth Hormone, GH) on the F-0 Betta imbellis broodstock. The F-0 transgenic fish was made through transfection methods. Identification was done using RT-PCR method. Total RNA was extracted from pooled embryos sample. Based on the analysis of gene expression in embryos also showed activity GH gene expression in all treatments compared to the control (non-transgenic x non-transgenic). The number of individuals F-0 which carried exogenous GH gene by PCR analysis of the DNA template of the tail fin was as much as 16%. Positive individuals carried the exogenous GH gene raised further to produce transgenic F-1 B. imbellis. Candidate of transgenic F-0 males fish were mated with non-transgenic female fish, whereas the transgenic F-0 females were mated with non-transgenic males. The 30-50 embryos obtained were combined, then their genomic DNA were extracted. Some of the embryos was used for the extraction of total RNA for analysis of mRNA expression of GH exogenous. The PCR analysis showed that all samples of embryos from the transgenic F-0 broodstock could be detected, whereas for the control (non-transgenic) was not detected. mRNA expression was also detected in embryos of F-1. The average weight of the F-0 broodstocks were 1.55 g and a total length was 12.97 cm. Thus, the transfection methods through betta embryos peaceful effectively generated transgenic fish, and potentially produced fast growth of individuals F-1 Betta imbellis.
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