Hamdan Syakuri, Satrio Haryu Wibowo, Anandita Ekasanti, Petrus Hary Tjahja Soedibya, Sri Marnani, Emyliana Listiowati, Dewi Nugrayani, Purnama Sukardi


Gen hormon pertumbuhan (growth hormone, GH) perlu dipelajari untuk mendukung domestikasi ikan sidat Anguilla bicolor di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi gen pengkode GH serta menganalisis ekspresinya pada sampel ikan sidat A. bicolor. Primer untuk amplifikasi gen GH ikan sidat A. bicolor didesain berdasarkan sekuen gen GH dari beberapa spesies ikan sidat lain yang tersedia di GenBank. Sampel cDNA hipofisa dan otak ikan sidat digunakan untuk amplifikasi gen GH. Hasil amplifikasi disekuensing dan hasilnya dianalisis menggunakan analisis BLAST, multiple sequences alignment, hormon signature, dan filogenetik. Analisis ekspresi gen GH dilakukan menggunakan teknik realtime PCR dengan metode delta-delta CT pada 14 sampel ikan sidat (23,1 ± 19,6 g; 24,5 ± 4,2 cm). Fragmen DNA sepanjang 486 bp berhasil diamplifikasi dan disekuensing. Sekuen gen GH A. bicolor memiliki similaritas nukleotida sebesar 98,49-99,14% jika dibandingkan dengan gen GH ikan sidat A. anguilla, A. australis, dan A. japonica. Sekuen parsial tersebut secara in silico diketahui mengkode bagian dari protein GH sepanjang 155 asam amino (aa). Sekuen asam amino protein GH A. bicolor sangat mirip dengan sekuen spesies ikan sidat lain dengan hanya tiga perbedaan asam amino dan membentuk satu percabangan pada pohon filogenetik. Tingkat ekspresi gen GH pada sampel ikan sidat memiliki variasi yang tinggi. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar untuk studi selanjutnya khususnya berkaitan dengan peran gen GH dalam pertumbuhan ikan sidat A. bicolor.

The growth hormone (GH) gene needs to be studied to support the domestication of the Anguilla bicolor eel in Indonesia. This study aimed to isolate and identify the GH coding gene and analyze its expression in samples of the eel A. bicolor. Primers for amplification of the GH gene of A. bicolor eels were designed based on GH gene sequences from several other eel species available in GenBank. Pituitary and brain cDNA samples of eel were used for GH gene amplification. The amplification results were sequenced and the results were analyzed using BLAST analysis, multiple sequence alignment, hormone signature, and phylogenetic analysis. The GH gene expression analysis was carried out using the real-time PCR technique with the delta-delta CT method on 14 eel samples (23.1 ± 19.6 g; 24.5 ± 4.2 cm). The 486 bp DNA fragment was successfully amplified and sequenced. The GH gene sequence of A. bicolor has a nucleotide similarity of 98.49-99.14% when compared with the GH gene of other eel species A. anguilla, A. australis, and A. japonica. This partial sequence was found in silico to code 155 amino acids (aa) GH protein. The amino acid sequence of the A. bicolor GH protein is very similar to that of other eel species with only three amino acid differences and forms one branch on the phylogenetic tree. The expression level of the GH gene in eel samples had high variations. The results of this study could be a basis for further studies, especially regarding the role of the GH gene in the growth of the eel A. bicolor


Anguilla bicolor; ekspresi gen; hormon pertumbuhan; RT-PCR; sekuen gen; Anguilla bicolor; expression of gene, growth hormone; RT-PCR; sequence of gene

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