Eri Setiadi


Pembenihan ikan kerapu bebek (Cromileptes altivelis) di Indonesia telah berhasil dengan baik, namun masih dijumpai tingginya abnormalitas. Penelitian abnormalitas pada stadia perkembangan larva dari yolk sac sampai flexion melalui pewarnaan tulang telah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh minyak cumi pada permukaan air terhadap abnormalitas, saat abnormal mulai muncul dan bagian tulang yang rentan terhadap abnormal serta sintasannya. Hasil penelitian dari stadia yolk sac sampai flexion menunjukkan bahwa persentase abnormalitas pada pemeliharaan dengan minyak cumi pada permukaan air lebih rendah (P<0,001) dibandingkan dengan tidak menggunakan minyak cumi pada permukaan air. Abnormal mulai terlihat pada stadia preflexion dan flexion. Tipe-tipe abnormal yang dijumpai adalah lordosis, skoliosis, khiposis, fusi, reduksi, percabangan, dan penambahan. Bagian tulang yang rentan terhadap abnormal ditemukan pada vertebrae bagian tengah (15,21%) dan hypurals (8,50%) pada pemeliharaan dengan minyak cumi, sedangkan tanpa menggunakan minyak cumi dijumpai pada dorsal proximal radials (32,50%) dan vertebrae bagian posterior (31,88%). Sintasan sebesar 7,04% (P<0,0001) dijumpai pada pemeliharaan dengan minyak cumi pada permukaan air, sedangkan tanpa minyak cumi pada permukaan air hanya 2,48%. Penggunaan minyak cumi pada permukaan air dapat menurunkan abnormalitas dan meningkatkan sintasan.

The mass seedling production of humpback grouper to (Cromileptes altivelis) has largely been successful in Indonesia. However, the high rate of abnormality of seed produced is the main problem. The rate of abnormality from yolk sac to flexion stages was examined. The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of squid oil at the water surface to the abnormality and determine which part of skeleton was vulnerable to deformation using clearing and staining methods. The result had indicated that larvae reared using squid oil at the water surface showed significantly lower (P<0,001) compared to that without squid oil at the water surface in abnormality. The deformation occurred at preflexion stage in both of squid oil or without squid oil at the water surface was detected. The types of deformities encountered during larval rearing period were as follows: scoliosis, lordosis, khyposis, fusion, shortening, branching, and supernumerary elements. Based on nine of bone elements indicated that larvae reared using squid oil at the water surface showed the rate of abnormality in the middle of vertebrae (15,21%) and hypurals (8,50%) while that without squid oil at the water surface showed the rate of abnormality of the dorsal proximal radials (32,50%) and the vertebrae at the posterior region (31,88%). The survival of larvae reared using squid oil at the water surface was higher (7,04%) (P<0,0001) than without squid oil (2,48%). Squid oil addition at the water surface could reduce the abnormality and increase in the survival rate.


bone; abnormality; squid oil; grouper; larvae

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