Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak daun sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) bagi pengendalian penyakit koi herpes virus (KHV) pada ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio). Daun sambiloto dalam bentuk sediaan kering diekstrak melalui perebusan. Pengujian efektivitas antimikrobial dilakukan secara in vitro terhadap bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila sebagai model. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah ikan mas ukuran 10--15 g/ekor yang secara definitif terinfeksi KHV. Konsentrasi ekstrak daun sambiloto yang diterapkan adalah A (100 mg/L), B (200 mg/L), C (300 mg/L), D (400 mg/L), dan E (tanpa sambiloto sebagai kontrol). Perlakuan dilakukan menggunakan cara perendaman dengan waktu eksposur tidak terbatas. Deteksi KHV pada masingmasing kelompok perlakuan dilakukan setiap minggu dan riset berlangsung selama 3 minggu. Rataan sintasan ikan uji pada kelompok perlakuan adalah A, B, C, D, dan E masing-masing adalah 11,12%, 16,12%, 31,67%, 42,22%, dan 12,78%.
The research with the aim to know an efficacy of sambiloto leaf, Andrographis paniculata to control of koi herpesvirus (KHV) on common carp has been conducted in laboratory level. Sambiloto leaf in dry form was extracted by boiling technique. In vitro test of anti microbial properties of sambiloto extract was done against Aeromonas hydrophila isolate as a model. Result of the above research was used as reference for further research. Common carp with the size of 10--15 g/fish, and positively infected by KHV were used as fish test. The treatments applied were A (100 mg/L), B (200 mg/L), C (300 mg/L), D (400 mg/L), and E (without sambiloto extract as a control).Treatment conducted by immersion for indefinite time of exposure. KHV detection of each treatment was done weekly, and research was lasting for 3 weeks. Results of the research showed that mean percentages of survival rate are: A (11.12%), B (16.12%), C (31.67%), D (42.22%), and E (12.78%).
The research with the aim to know an efficacy of sambiloto leaf, Andrographis paniculata to control of koi herpesvirus (KHV) on common carp has been conducted in laboratory level. Sambiloto leaf in dry form was extracted by boiling technique. In vitro test of anti microbial properties of sambiloto extract was done against Aeromonas hydrophila isolate as a model. Result of the above research was used as reference for further research. Common carp with the size of 10--15 g/fish, and positively infected by KHV were used as fish test. The treatments applied were A (100 mg/L), B (200 mg/L), C (300 mg/L), D (400 mg/L), and E (without sambiloto extract as a control).Treatment conducted by immersion for indefinite time of exposure. KHV detection of each treatment was done weekly, and research was lasting for 3 weeks. Results of the research showed that mean percentages of survival rate are: A (11.12%), B (16.12%), C (31.67%), D (42.22%), and E (12.78%).
Efficacy; Andrographis paniculata leaf extract; koi herpes virus; common carp
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jra.2.3.2007.407-414
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