Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh cara yang lebih baik dan efisien dalam pemijahan buatan induk balashark dilakukan dengan memilih induk yang matang gonad dari bak-bak pemeliharaan. Sebanyak 20 ekor terdiri atas 12 ekor betina dan 8 ekor jantan terpilih dari 40 ekor (25 betina dan 15 jantan) pada bulan Juni dan Agustus 2007. Perlakuan stimulasi untuk pemijahan dilakukan terhadap induk matang gonad ini dengan dua macam jenis hormon gonadotropin yaitu ovaprim dengan dan tanpa kombinasi HCG. Stimulasi dilakukan dengan dua kali suntikan untuk betina dan satu kali untuk jantan. Suntikan pertama adalah ovaprim 0,4 mL/kg bobot tubuh untuk perlakuan tanpa kombinasi dan 300 IU/kg HCG untuk perlakuan kombinasi. Suntikan kedua dengan interval waktu masing-masing 6 dan 12 jam, adalah ovaprim 0,6 mL/kg bobot tubuh untuk semua perlakuan. Induk jantan disuntik dengan ovaprim 0,6 mL/kg bersamaan dengan suntikan pertama betina. Pembuahan buatan dilakukan pada telur dan sperma yang dikeluarkan dengan cara penyalinan. Penetasan telur terbuahi di dalam corong inkubator bervolume 5 (lima) liter. Hasil penelitian ini adalah diameter telur induk matang gonad yang terpilih antara 0,8—1,28 mm. Perlakuan kombinasi HCG dan ovaprim memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dalam semua parameter yang diamati daripada dengan ovaprim saja. Telur ovulasi lebih banyak, derajat pembuahan dan penetasan lebih tinggi. Bulan Agustus merupakan waktu yang lebih sesuai untuk pemijahan.
This research was aimed to obtain a better and efficient method in artificial propagation of Balashark by selection of mature broodstocks from rearing tanks. There were 20 fish selected consisted of 12 females and 8 males from 40 mature broodstock fish (25 females and 15 males). The selection process was carried out in June and August, 2007. Stimulation treatments for these selected mature broodstocks were conducted using two kinds of gonadotrophine hormones i.e ovaprim combined with and without HCG. Stimulation treatments were conducted twice for the females and only once for the males. For female, the first treatment was with 0.4 mL/kg body mass of ovaprim and added with 300 iu/kg body mass of HCG for combination treatment. The second treatment was using 0.6 mL/kg body mass of ovaprim for all females with six hours interval from the first treatment and 12 hours interval for combination treatment. Males were injected with 0.6 mL/kg body mass of ovaprim at the same time with the first injection to the females. Artificial fertilization was given to all ovulated eggs with the sperm collected from the males. Fertilized eggs were hatched in five liter volume capacity of funnel incubator. The experiment results showed that the egg diameter produced by the females were ranging from 0.8–1.28 mm with the average diameter of 1.0–1.18 mm. Combination treatments using ovaprim and HCG gave better results in all observed parameters compared to the treatments that used only ovaprim (no combination). Combination treatment also resulted in greater ovulated eggs as well as higher fertilization and hatching rates. August was assumed to be a better and appropriate time period for Balashark broodstock induced spawning.
This research was aimed to obtain a better and efficient method in artificial propagation of Balashark by selection of mature broodstocks from rearing tanks. There were 20 fish selected consisted of 12 females and 8 males from 40 mature broodstock fish (25 females and 15 males). The selection process was carried out in June and August, 2007. Stimulation treatments for these selected mature broodstocks were conducted using two kinds of gonadotrophine hormones i.e ovaprim combined with and without HCG. Stimulation treatments were conducted twice for the females and only once for the males. For female, the first treatment was with 0.4 mL/kg body mass of ovaprim and added with 300 iu/kg body mass of HCG for combination treatment. The second treatment was using 0.6 mL/kg body mass of ovaprim for all females with six hours interval from the first treatment and 12 hours interval for combination treatment. Males were injected with 0.6 mL/kg body mass of ovaprim at the same time with the first injection to the females. Artificial fertilization was given to all ovulated eggs with the sperm collected from the males. Fertilized eggs were hatched in five liter volume capacity of funnel incubator. The experiment results showed that the egg diameter produced by the females were ranging from 0.8–1.28 mm with the average diameter of 1.0–1.18 mm. Combination treatments using ovaprim and HCG gave better results in all observed parameters compared to the treatments that used only ovaprim (no combination). Combination treatment also resulted in greater ovulated eggs as well as higher fertilization and hatching rates. August was assumed to be a better and appropriate time period for Balashark broodstock induced spawning.
hormone stimulation; mature gonad; ovulation; hatching rate
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