Philip Teguh Imanto


Keberhasilan pembenihan ikan sangat dipengaruhi keberhasilan produksi jasad pakan rotifer secara tepat dan efisien. Penelitian kultur rotifer dengan tangki volume kecil bertujuan untuk mendapatkan efisiensi produksi yang paling optimal dan memenuhi prinsip dasar akuakultur low volume high density. Penelitian menggunakan tangki polyethylene dengan volume 500 L dan volume media awal 100 L, padat tebar awal 200 ind. rotifer per mL dengan sediaan pakan dasar fitoplankton Nannocloropsis occulata, ragi roti (0,05 g/mio.rot./feeding) dan suplemen Scott emulsion (0,005 g/mio.rot./feeding). Penelitian dilakukan secara bertahap; tahap pertama (I) tanpa penambahan air laut, peningkatan volume hanya dari penambahan 15 L Nannochloropsis tiap hari sampai hari kelima, tahap kedua (II) dengan penambahan alga 40 L dan air laut 40 L; serta tahap ketiga (III) dengan menggandakan pemberian ragi roti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada percobaan tahap I: total produksi rata-rata 122,37 x 106 ind. rotifer, pada tahap II: 97,67 x 106 ind. rotifer, dan pada tahap III: dicapai rata-rata total produksi tertinggi dengan 187,17 x 106 ind. rotifer per tanki kultur 500 L. Pengelolaan kultur pada tahap III memberikan hasil terbaik dengan simpangan terkecil antar tangki kultur ulangan, dan membuktikan sebagai pengelolaan terbaik untuk kultur rotifer dengan tangki volume kecil. 

Success of marine seed production is highly influenced by effective and efficient production performance of life food rotifer. Observation on rotifer culture using small volume tank was aimed to get the optimum production and efficiency, to fulfill the basic principle of aquaculture “low volume high density”. Polyethylene tanks of 500 L. were used as culture container, with initial 100 liter sea water as culture medium and initial density of 200 ind. rotifer per mL. N. occulata, baker yeast (0.05 g/mio.rotifer/feeding) and Scott emulsion (0.005 g/mio.rotifer/feeding) were used as basic feed, and applied differently among three trials. First trial without seawater addition, increasing volume of culture media was only from 15 L. of N. occulata within 5 days culture, second trial was done with addition of seawater of 40 L and 40 L of N. occulata every day; and the last trial with twice dosage of baker yeast from trial I and II. The result showed that the average total production from the first trial was 122.37 x 106 ind. rotifer and the second trial was decreased to 97.67 x 106 ind. rotifer. Highest average total production was achieved by the last trial with 187.17 x 106 ind. rotifer per culture tank 500 L. Culture management on the third trial gave the best result with the lowest deviation among replication tanks, and proved as the best management practice for small-scale culture container.


rotifer; kultur; volume kecil; efisiensi produksi

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