Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi respons seleksi udang galah yang dipelihara dalam lingkungan bersalinitas hingga generasi kedua. Udang galah dipelihara dalam lingkungan air payau dengan salinitas 0‰, 10‰, dan 15‰. Penelitian dilakukan hingga generasi kedua dalam lingkungan yang sama. Metode seleksi pada generasi pertama dan kedua dilakukan dengan seleksi keluarga (family selection). Seleksi pada masing-masing generasi dilakukan pada karakter pertumbuhan dalam masing-masing lingkungan salinitas. Secara keseluruhan respons seleksi harapan untuk semua genotipe mencapai 5,58 g per generasi dan respons seleksi kenyataan untuk semua genotipe mencapai 3,07 g per generasi di atas rataan tetua. Hasil ini sangat bermakna dalam meningkatkan ukuran bobot badan udang galah sebagai keberhasilan program seleksi. Hasil ini berlaku untuk seleksi pada salinitas perlakuan hingga 15‰.
This research aimed to evaluate the selection response of the giant freshwater prawn cultured in different salinity levels that were observed up to second generation. Prawns were reared in brackish water environment with salinity levels of 0%, 10%, and 15%. Research was conducted up to the second generation in the same salinity level environments. Method of selection was family selection applied to both first and second generations. Selection process of each generation was performed on the growth character of prawns in each salinity level environment. Overall, expected selection response of all genotype achieved 5.58 g per generation and real selection response for all genotype reached 3.07 g above the parent generation. The result is arguably very meaningful in the effort of increasing the body mass of tiger prawn. The findings are valid for selection using salinity level up to 15 ppm.
This research aimed to evaluate the selection response of the giant freshwater prawn cultured in different salinity levels that were observed up to second generation. Prawns were reared in brackish water environment with salinity levels of 0%, 10%, and 15%. Research was conducted up to the second generation in the same salinity level environments. Method of selection was family selection applied to both first and second generations. Selection process of each generation was performed on the growth character of prawns in each salinity level environment. Overall, expected selection response of all genotype achieved 5.58 g per generation and real selection response for all genotype reached 3.07 g above the parent generation. The result is arguably very meaningful in the effort of increasing the body mass of tiger prawn. The findings are valid for selection using salinity level up to 15 ppm.
response to selection; growth rate; second generation; salinity; Macrobrachium rosenbergii
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