Utojo Utojo, Akhmad Mustafa, Rachmansyah Rachmansyah, Hasnawi Hasnawi


Penelitian ini memanfaatkan teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG) untuk menentukan lokasi yang layak bagi pengembangan budidaya tambak di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Data sekunder yang diperoleh berupa data iklim, peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia kawasan Lampung Selatan skala 1:50.000, citra digital landsat-7 ETM+ dan peta batimetri skala 1:200.000. Data primer diperoleh dengan metode survai di lokasi penelitian yaitu kondisi kualitas perairan, kualitas air, dan pasang surut. Penentuan stasiun pengamatan dilakukan secara acak dan sistematik. Setiap lokasi pengambilan contoh ditentukan posisi koordinatnya dengan alat Global Positioning System (GPS). Data lapangan (fisika-kimia perairan), data sekunder, dan data citra satelit (Landsat ETM+) digital, dianalisis secara spasial dengan metode PATTERN menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG). Berdasarkan hasil survai dan evaluasi kelayakan budidaya tambak udang di wilayah pesisir Lampung Selatan seluas 4.052,3 ha. Pada umumnya yang memiliki tingkat kelayakan tinggi (1.223,1 ha), sedang (2.065,4 ha), dan rendah (763,8 ha) tersebar di wilayah pesisir Kecamatan Sragi, Ketapang, dan Panengahan, sedangkan sebagian kecil terdapat di Kecamatan Kalianda, Sidomulyo, dan Katibung, serta lokasi yang tidak layak berupa perbukitan, masing-masing dituangkan dalam peta prospektif skala 1:50.000.

This research used GIS technique to find location suitable to develop sustainable brackishwater pond culture in South Lampung Regency. Secondary data such as weather data, Indonesia earth surface map of South Lampung area scale of 1:50,000, landsat-7ETM digital imagery, and navigation map scaled 1:200,000. Primary data (water quality) and tide were collected using survey method. Simple systematic random sampling was used to allocate sampling points. Digital Remote sensing (Landsat ETM+) data, secondary data, and field data (water quality) were analyzed using PATTERN method and Geographic Information System (GIS). Tematic map of area suitability as the main expected output of the study was created through spatial analysis and GIS as suggested by reference. The potential areas which are suitable for shrimp brackishwater pond culture development in South Lampung Regency are 4,052.3 ha, consisting of high suitability area (1,223.1 ha), moderate (2,065.4 ha), and low (763.8 ha) and are distributed in the coastline areas of Subdistrict of Sragi, This research used GIS technique to find location suitable to develop sustainable brackishwater pond culture in South Lampung Regency. Secondary data such as weather data, Indonesia earth surface map of South Lampung area scale of 1:50,000, landsat-7ETM digital imagery, and navigation map scaled 1:200,000. Primary data (water quality) and tide were collected using survey method. Simple systematic random sampling was used to allocate sampling points. Digital Remote sensing (Landsat ETM+) data, secondary data, and field data (water quality) were analyzed using PATTERN method and Geographic Information System (GIS). Tematic map of area suitability as the main expected output of the study was created through spatial analysis and GIS as suggested by reference. The potential areas which are suitable for shrimp brackishwater pond culture development in South Lampung Regency are 4,052.3 ha, consisting of high suitability area (1,223.1 ha), moderate (2,065.4 ha), and low (763.8 ha) and are distributed in the coastline areas of Subdistrict of Sragi, 


budidaya tambak; kelayakan lahan; Sistem Informasi Geografi; Lampung Selatan

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