Percobaan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kesinambungan pemijahan dan peningkatan kualitas telur melalui perbaikan manajemen pemeliharaan induk ikan kerapu macan (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus). Induk kerapu macan berukuran panjang 50,20—82,50 cm dan bobot 3,50—12,00 kg yang dipelihara dalam 2 tangki volume 30 ton, masingmasing diisi 12 ekor induk terdiri atas 4 ekor jantan dan 8 ekor betina. Sebagai perlakuan dalam penelitian adalah komposisi pakan yang berbeda yaitu A. Pakan + (vitamin E,C, dan vitamin mix), dan B. Pakan. Pakan yang diberikan berupa ikan rucah dan cumi segar sebanyak 3% bobot total/hari. Percobaan ini dilakukan selama 8 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan pemberian pakan segar berpengaruh terhadap frekuensi pemijahan dan kualitas telur yang dihasilkan. Pada perlakuan A memperlihatkan proses reproduksi yang lebih baik dan terjadi pemijahan sebanyak 11 kali dengan jumlah total telur 18.492.000 butir dengan hatching rate 75,0%— 92,0% dan Indek Aktivitas Kehidupan Larva (SAI) 3,80—5,68. Perlakuan B terjadi pemijahan sebanyak 7 kali pada periode bulan Maret sampai November dengan jumlah total telur yang dibuahi sebanyak 10.390.000 butir dengan hatching rate 50,0%— 75,0% dan SAI larva 0,28—4,90. Hasil pengamatan perkembangan gonad selama penelitian untuk kedua perlakuan sangat bervariasi antara 110—520 µm.
The purpose of the present study was to know the effect of different management in rearing spawning and eggs quality of grouper broodstock, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus. Twelve fish total length 50.20—82.50 cm and 3.50—12.00 kg in body weight consisted, eight females and four males were reared in three 30 m³ concrete tanks and fed with experimental diet. Two treatments were (A) Fed+ (Vitamin E,C, and vitamin mix) and (B) Feed. The result of the experiment showed that fish in treatment A gave better results in terms of eggs quality, stage of reproduction, and spawning of 11 times in April to November with fecundity of 18,492,000; hatching rate of 75.00%—92.00% and SAI of larvae 3.80—5.68; composed to 7 times of spawn with fecundity of 10,390,000; hatching rate of 50.00%—75.00% and Survival Activity Index of larvae (SAI) 0.28—4.90 for treatment B. Gonad of development during the experiment showed egg diameter of 110—520 mm.
The purpose of the present study was to know the effect of different management in rearing spawning and eggs quality of grouper broodstock, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus. Twelve fish total length 50.20—82.50 cm and 3.50—12.00 kg in body weight consisted, eight females and four males were reared in three 30 m³ concrete tanks and fed with experimental diet. Two treatments were (A) Fed+ (Vitamin E,C, and vitamin mix) and (B) Feed. The result of the experiment showed that fish in treatment A gave better results in terms of eggs quality, stage of reproduction, and spawning of 11 times in April to November with fecundity of 18,492,000; hatching rate of 75.00%—92.00% and SAI of larvae 3.80—5.68; composed to 7 times of spawn with fecundity of 10,390,000; hatching rate of 50.00%—75.00% and Survival Activity Index of larvae (SAI) 0.28—4.90 for treatment B. Gonad of development during the experiment showed egg diameter of 110—520 mm.
handling and management; spawning; eggs quality; tiger grouper
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