Ediwarman Ediwarman, Rina Hernawati, Wisnu Adianto, Yann Moreau


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui substitusi larva black soldier fly (Hermetia illuscens), fresh maggot sebagai pengganti ikan rucah terhadap keragaan pertumbuhan ikan toman (Channa micropeltes CV). Sebanyak 450 ekor ikan toman dengan bobot rata-rata 6,03 ± 0,69 g dipelihara dalam 15 unit hapa (1 m x 1 m x 1,2 m) dengan padat tebar 30 ekor/hapa. Ada 5 tingkatan kombinasi substitusi yaitu: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100% maggot segar dihitung dari bobot kering. Selama 56 hari, pemberian maggot hidup tidak berpengaruh terhadap sintasan. Hasil penelitian memberikan rataan bobot akhir ikan menurun dengan meningkatnya persentase pemberian maggot (27,1 g,  0%; 19,6 g, 25%; 22,1 g, 50%; 14,1 g, 75%; 10,5 g, 100%). Sedangkan pertumbuhan (SGR) berkisar antara 0,49%—2,61% hari-1, dengan konversi pakan (FCR), 3,24—14,1. Dari hasil analisis ANOVA dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk mandapatkan laju pertumbuhan spesifik (SGR) yang terbaik, maggot dapat menggantikan ikan rucah sampai 50%, dengan rasio konversi pakan (FCR) sebesar 3,31.

The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of fresh black soldier fly (Hermetia illuscens) larvae, or fresh maggot, as substitute to trash fish on growth by feeding giant snakehead (Channa micropeltes). Giant snakehead (6.03 ± 0.69 g, mean mass ± SD) were reared in 15 hapas (1 m x 1 m x 1.2 m) with 30 fish per unit. Five substitution levels were tested: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% fresh maggot on dry mass basis. After 65 days, the utilization of fresh maggot did not affect fish survival rate. Average fish mass at the end of experiment was negatively correlated to the level of substitution of trash fish by fresh maggot (27.1 g, 0%; 19.6 g, 25%; 22.1 g, 50%; 14.1 g, 75%; 10.5 g, 100%) while specific growth rate (SGR) ranged from 2.61% to 0.49 % day-1 and feed conversion ratio (FCR on dry mass basis) ranged from 3.24 to 14.1. Using ANOVA tools, results indicated that fresh maggot can substitute as much as 50% trash fish without negative impact on SGR, with expected FCR of 3.31.


eed alternative; giant snakehead; trash fish; maggot; black soldier fly larvae

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