Evi Tahapari, Jadmiko Darmawan, Adam Robisalmi, Priadi Setyawan


Penambahan vitamin E sintetis pada pakan induk sangat penting, karena vitamin E tidak dapat disintesis oleh ikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penambahan vitamin E dalam pakan terhadap kualitas reproduksi induk ikan nila. Penelitian dilakukan di Balai Riset Pemuliaan Ikan (BRPI) Sukamandi selama tiga bulan. Pakan uji adalah pakan formulasi berkadar protein kasar 35,83%-36,13%; lemak kasar 8,17%-9,79%; BETN 43,10%-45,72%; dan serat kasar 1,98%-2,58% dengan penambahan vitamin E berbeda, yaitu: A) 0 (kontrol), B) 150, C) 225, dan D) 300 mg/kg pakan. Ikan uji berumur 6,5 bulan sebanyak 80 ekor betina dan 40 ekor jantan, dan setiap induk ikan betina diberi tanda (tagging). Wadah ikan uji adalah jaring hapa berukuran 3 m x 2 m x 1,25 m sebanyak empat buah yang ditempatkan di kolam tanah seluas 6.000 m2 dengan ketinggian air ± 1 m. Setiap jaring diisi 20 ekor induk betina dan 10 ekor induk jantan. Parameter yang diamati adalah: gonad somatik indeks, frekuensi pemijahan, fekunditas, diameter telur, derajat tetas telur, produksi larva, abnormalitas larva, dan gonad pada akhir percobaan. Sampling dilakukan setiap satu minggu sekali selama tiga bulan pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan vitamin E 225 mg/kg pakan memberikan hasil terbaik, dapat meningkatkan produksi larva sebesar 78,55% dibanding dengan tanpa penambahan vitamin E (kontrol). Jumlah induk memijah sebesar 85% dengan jumlah frekuensi pemijahan terbanyak yaitu 28 kali dan total produksi larva tertinggi yaitu 37.927 ekor (produktivitas induk 2.231 larva/ekor) dan rataan fekunditas individu sebesar 1.886 ± 513 butir.

The addition of synthetic vitamin E in broodstock feed is a necessity due to fish inability to synthesized vitamin E. Currently, there is limited information on vitamin E requirement to boost the reproductive performance of tilapia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of vitamin E in feed on the reproductive performance of tilapia broodstock. The study was conducted for three months at the Sukamandi Fish Breeding Research Center. The test feeds were formulated feeds with crude protein content of 35.83%-36.13%, crude fat 8.17%-9.79%, NFE 43.10%-45.72%, and crude fiber of 1.98%-2.58% with the addition of different vitamin E, namely: A) 0 (control), B) 150, C) 225, and D) 300 mg/kg of feed. The test fish were aged 6.5 months consisted of 80 females and 40 males, where each female was given a unique tagging code. The fish were reared in four hapa nets sized 3 m x 2 m x 1.25 m which were constructed in a pond of 6,000 m2 with a water level of ± 1 m. Each hapa net contained 20 female and ten male broodstocks. The parameters observed were: gonadal somatic index, spawning frequency, fecundity, egg diameter, hatching rate, larval production, larval abnormalities, and gonadal development at the end of the experiment. Sampling was done once a week during the three months of the experiment. The results showed that the addition of vitamin E 225 mg/kg of feed gave the best results. Larval production increased by 78.55% compared to without the addition of vitamin E (control). The percentage of spawning broodstock was 85% with the highest number of spawning frequencies of 28 times, the highest total larvae production of 37,927 larvae (broodstock productivity 2,231 larvae/fish), and the average individual fecundity of 1,886 ± 513 eggs.


vitamin E; produktivitas; pakan induk; ikan nila; vitamin E; productivity; broodstock feed; tilapia

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