Ikan mas Mustika merupakan varietas unggul ikan mas hasil seleksi tahan penyakit Koi Herpes Virus (KHV). Secara laboratoris, uji tantang ikan mas Mustika dengan KHV menghasilkan sintasan lebih dari 90%. Namun demikian, performa ikan mas Mustika di lingkungan budidaya terkait pertumbuhan dan tingkat produktivitasnya belum banyak dikaji. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi performa ikan mas Mustika sebagai varietas unggul tahan KHV di beberapa lokasi sentra budidaya. Penelitian dilakukan di kolam air deras (KAD) di Tanjungsiang, Subang; serta karamba jaring apung (KJA) di Waduk Jatiluhur, Purwakarta; Waduk Cirata, Cianjur; dan Waduk Darma, Kuningan. Sebagai pembanding digunakan ikan mas Majalaya yang berasal dari unit pembenihan rakyat (UPR) setempat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tiga kali ulangan selama 90 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa performa ikan mas lebih dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan daripada faktor genetik, serta interaksi kedua faktor tersebut. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa kualitas perairan di Waduk Darma lebih rendah dibanding lokasi lainnya. Di lokasi tersebut, ikan mas Mustika mempunyai pertumbuhan, produktivitas, dan rasio konversi pakan sebesar 2,81%/hari; 13,42 kg/m2; dan 1,43 secara nyata lebih baik daripada varietas pembanding, sebesar 2,21%/hari; 8,16 kg/m2; dan 2,54. Di lokasi lainnya, performa ikan mas Mustika tidak berbeda nyata dengan varietas pembanding. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa ikan mas Mustika mempunyai toleransi yang lebih baik terhadap kondisi lingkungan perairan yang buruk, daripada varietas pembanding.
Mustika is the newly produced superior variety of common carp strains resistant to Koi Herpes Virus (KHV). The challenge test of Mustika common carp against KHV resulted in a survival rate of more than 90%. However, the information on the growth and productivity of Mustika common carp in culture conditions is not yet available to supplement its superior resistance to KHV. This study was aimed to evaluate the performance of Mustika as a superior variety of common carp resistant to KHV resistance through multi-location tests which were in: running water ponds (KAD) in Tanjungsiang, Subang; floating net cages (KJA) in Jatiluhur Reservoir, Purwakarta; Cirata Reservoir, Cianjur; and Darma Reservoir, Kuningan. In all trial locations, Majalaya carp from the local hatchery (UPR) were used as the comparison population. The study was conducted for 90 days with three replications. The result showed that the performance of the carp was more affected by the environmental factor than both genetic and interaction of genetic >< environment factors. In Darma reservoir which has poorer water quality conditions, Mustika common carp had better growth, productivity and food conversion ratio of 2.81%/day, 13.42 kg/m2, and 1.43, respectively, compared to that of the comparison population of 2.21%/day, 8.16 kg/m2, and 2.54. Among the locations used in the multi-location test, the performances of Mustika common carp and the comparison population were not significantly different. These results indicate that Mustika common carp is more tolerant of being cultured in poorer water quality conditions
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