Muhamad Yamin, Eddy Supriyono, Mulyasari Mulyasari


Beberapa tanaman air telah dilaporkan mampu meremediasi air yang tercemar senyawa berbahaya. Nonilfenol sebagai jenis surfaktan non ionik yang berbahaya perlu ditelaah potensi toksisitasnya bagi biota perairan dan mitigasi remediasinya menggunakan tanaman air. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan level toksisitas mematikan nonilfenol pada benih ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) dan upaya meremediasi menggunakan tanaman eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) yang diberi pupuk berbeda. Perlakuan konsentrasi toksisitas nonilfenol adalah: kontrol, 0,4 mg/L, 0,5 mg/L, 0,63 mg/L, 0,80 mg/L dan 1,0 mg/L. Padat tebar ikan uji sebanyak dua puluh ekor benih pada tiap akuarium kaca yang berisi 40 L air. Pergantian air dilakukan setiap hari sebanyak 200%. Pengamatan kematian ikan dilakukan pada jam ke 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 48, 72, dan 96. Tahapan berikutnya adalah remediasi nonilfenol dari media air menggunakan sistem resirkulasi dengan perlakuan: 1) kontrol air + nonilfenol 2,5 mg/L, 2) zeolite + nonilfenol 2,5 mg/L, 3) zeolit + tanaman air + nonilfenol 2,5 mg/L, 4) zeolite + tanaman air + pupuk kandang + nonilfenol 2,5 mg/L, dan 5) zeolite + tanaman air + pupuk hidroponik + nonilfenol 2,5 mg/L. Konsentrasi nonilfenol di air dianalisis menggunakan HPLC. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa nonilfenol menyebabkan kematian 100 % benih ikan nila dalam waktu kurang dari 48 jam pada konsentrasi 0,8 mg/L dengan nilai LC50-96 jam sebesar 0,58 mg/L. Remediasi media air yang mengandung nonilfenol dengan konsentrasi 2,5 mg/L menggunakan tanaman eceng gondok membutuhkan waktu 1 hari sedangkan tanpa tanaman membutuhkan waktu 2 hari atau lebih. Dengan nilai LC50-96 jam nonifenol di bawah 1.00 mg/L maka berdasarkan Kriteria Toksisitas Bahan dari Komisi Pestisida, Departemen Pertanian, Indonesia, maka nonilfenol tergolong dalam bahan berbahaya dengan daya racun yang sangat tinggi. Pengurangan konsentrasi nonilfenol sampai dengan 2.5 mg/L dapat dilakukan dengan menambahkan tanaman air eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) pada sistem resirkulasi

Certain species of aquatic plants are reported able to remediate water contaminated with harmful compounds. The toxicity of nonylphenol as one of the harmful non-ionic surfactants to farmed fish species has yet to be determined, including its remediation using aquatic plants. This study aimed to determine the lethal toxicity level of nonylphenol for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) seeds and its remediation using water hyacinth plants (Eichhornia crassipes). The nonylphenol treatments were arranged by separately mixing water with 0.0 mg/L (control), 0.4 mg/L, 0.5 mg/L, 0.63 mg/L, 0.80 mg/L and 1.0 mg/L of nonylphenol. Twenty tilapia seeds were placed into each glass aquarium containing 40 L of freshwater that had already been mixed with the different concentrations of nonylphenol. Water exchange was done every day as much as 200% using water pre-mixed with the nonylphenol concentrations. Observation of fish mortality was carried out at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after the fish seeds were placed in the aquarium. The next stage experiment was the phytoremediation  of the water contaminated with different additions of nonylphenol in a recirculation system: nonylphenol 2.5 mg/L; nonylphenol 2.5 mg/L + zeolite; nonylphenol 2.5 mg/L + zeolite + water hyacinth; nonylphenol 2.5 mg/L + water hyacinth + zeolite + manure; and nonylphenol 2.5 mg/L + water hyacinth + zeolite + hydroponic fertilizer (AB mix). Nonylphenol concentrations in water were determined using the HPLC method. The results of the first stage experiment showed that nonylphenol caused 100% mortality rate of tilapia seeds in less than 48 hours at a concentration of 0.8 mg/L. The LC50-96 hour of nonylphenol on the Nile tilapia seeds was 0.58 mg/L. The complete remediation of 2.5 mg/L or less of nonylphenol using water hyacinth plants took one day while without plants took two days or more. Based on the Acute Aquatic Toxicity Criteria published by the Pesticide Commission of the Indonesian Agricultural Department, nonylphenol is categorized as a very high toxicity compound due to its LC50-96 h value of concentration less than 1.00 mg L-1. The results of this study provide evidence that water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) system could remediate water with a concentration of nonylphenol up to 2.5 mg/L.



nonilfenol; remediasi; eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes); ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus); nonylphenol; remediation; water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes); nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

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