Fase larva pada siput gonggong sebagaimana pada biota akuatik lain adalah fase yang peka dan rawan kematian. Penyerapan kuning telur untuk pembentukan organ dalam terjadi pada fase ini. Suhu air memengaruhi perkembangan embrionik dan metabolisme dalam tubuh biota. Informasi tentang pengaruh suhu inkubasi terhadap embriogenesis dan perkembangan larva siput gonggong masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh suhu berbeda terhadap embriogenesis dan perkembangan larva siput gonggong. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga perlakuan dan dua ulangan. Tiga perlakuan perbedaan suhu yang diberikan yaitu 27°C, 29°C, dan 31°C. Sampel telur yang digunakan berasal dari hasil pemijahan semibuatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inkubasi pada suhu air 31°C memberikan stimulasi tercepat pada embriogenesis dan perkembangan larva siput gonggong daripada perlakuan lainnya. Larva siput gonggong menetas dan berenang bebas pada jam ke-94 pasca-inkubasi. Penelitian dengan perlakuan yang sama perlu dilanjutkan untuk dapat menghasilkan benih siput gonggong.
Similar to most of the other aquatic biota, the larval phase of gonggong conch is considered a sensitive and death-prone life stage. The absorption of egg yolk to form the internal organs occurs in this phase. Certain external factors, particularly water temperature, play a significant influence on the embryonic development and metabolic processes of gonggong conch larvae. However, the extent of the effects of incubation temperature on the embryogenesis and larval development of gonggong conch has not been determined or thoroughly studied. This study aimed to determine the effects of different temperatures on the embryogenesis and larval development of gonggong conch. The experiment used a completely randomized design with three treatments and two replicates. The temperature treatments were 27°C, 29°C, and 31°C. The egg samples used were collected from the semi-artificial spawnings of gonggong conch. The results showed that the egg incubation using the water temperature of 31°C provided the fastest stimulation in the embryogenesis and development of gonggong conch larvae than the other treatments. Gonggong conch larvae hatched and swam freely in the 94th hours post-incubation. Research with the same treatment needs to be continued to be able to produce gonggong conch seeds.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jra.15.3.2020.159-164
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