Toni Yulian Kusmardani, Otong Zenal Arifin, Agoes Soeprijanto, Yunita Maimunah


Ikan Tor merupakan genus yang potensi dibudidayakan karena memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi. Masalah yang ada adalah lambatnya pertumbuhan dan rendahnya tingkat sintasan benih ikan tersebut dalam jumlah yang memadai untuk pembudidaya. Hibridisasi atau persilangan merupakan suatu upaya untuk mendapatkan kombinasi antara populasi yang berbeda untuk menghasilkan keturunan yang memiliki sifat unggul. Hibridisasi tiga spesies ikan Tor secara resiprokal antara Tor soro (Ts), Tor douronensis (Td), dan Tor tambroides (Tt) dilakukan guna untuk mengetahui keberhasilan hibridisasi beda spesies tetapi masih dalam genus. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan enam perlakuan dan tiga kali ulangan hasil hibrida. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan nilai derajat pembuahan tertinggi dihasilkan dari hibridisasi Td >< Ts (93,66 ± 1,15%), daya tetas tertinggi dihasilkan dari persilangan Td >< Ts (88,00 ± 1,00%), laju pertumbuhan spesifik bobot tertinggi dihasilkan dari hibridisasi Ts >< Td dan Ts >< Tt (5,62 ± 0,17%; 5,44 ± 0,06%), laju pertumbuhan spesifik panjang tertinggi dihasilkan dari hibridisasi Ts >< Td (1,79 ± 0,11%) dan sintasan tertinggi dihasilkan dari hibridisasi Tt >< Ts (86,00 ± 3,60%). Nilai heterosisyang meliputi derajat pembuahan, daya tetas telur, pertumbuhan benih, dan sintasan ikan sampai umur 41 hari menunjukkan nilai negatif, kecuali laju pertumbuhan spesifik bobot. Hibridisasi berdampak pada meningkatnya jumlah larva abnormal yang dihasilkan dibanding tetuanya (pure breed).

Tor fish has the potential to be commercially developed as a farmed fish due to its high economic value and market demand. However, slow growth and low survival rate of the fish larvae and insufficient seed availability for aquaculture farmers are the main bottlenecks to develop a profitable aquaculture for tor fish. Hybridization or crossbreed is an attempt to get a combination between different populations to produce offspring inheriting superior characters. A reciprocal hybridization between Tor soro (Ts), Tor douronensis (Td), and Tor tambroides (Tt) was carried out to assess the success rate of hybridization between the three species. The study used an experimental design with six treatments and three replications to measure and compare hybridization and survival parameters between the species. The highest fertilization rate attained by hybridization Td >< Ts (93.66 ± 1.15%, the highest hatching rate was achieved by Td >< Ts (88.00 ± 1.00%), the highest weight specific growth rate was gained by hybridization Ts >< Td and Ts >< Tt (5.62 ± 0.17%; 5.44 ± 0.06%), the highest lenght specific growth rate was achieved by hybridization Ts >< Td (1.79 ± 0.11%) and highest survival rate was resulted from hybridization between Tor tambroides >< Tor tambroides (90.33 ± 1.52%). The observed heterosis (degree of fertilization rate, hatching rate, growth rate, and survival rate until the age of 41 days) showed that all parameter characters were negative, except for the weight-specific growth rate characters. This study concludes that hybridization have an impact on increasing the number of abnormal larvae produced compared to their parents (pure-breed).


hibridisasi; interspesifik; resiprokal; spesies ikan tor; heterosis; hybridization; interspecific; reciprocal; tor species; heterosis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jra.16.1.2021.1-8

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