
🚀 Exciting Announcement : Jurnal Penelitian Chanos-Chanos SINTA Rank 4! 🚀

Dear esteemed researchers, academics, and authors who have contributed to the Jurnal Penelitian Chanos-Chanos,

We are delighted to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your outstanding contributions to crafting exceptional scholarly works published in our esteemed journal!

It was an honor to announce to all researchers, academics, and authors that the accreditation result of Jurnal Penelitian Chanos-Chanos was SINTA 4 based on Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Number 0547/E5/DT.05.00/2024, dated May 15, 2024 .

  1. Download SK Akreditasi Jurnal Periode I Tahun 2024.
Posted: 2024-06-04
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