Didik Wahju Hendro Tjahjo, Sri Endah Purnamaningtyas


Perairan Situ Cileunca terletak di Kabupaten Bandung Selatan, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Kegiatan peternakkan sapi perah yang berkembang sangat pesat diKecamatan Pengalengan sehingga menghasilkan limbah organik yang dibuang ke sungai dan akhirnya masuk ke Situ Cileunca. Hal tersebut mendorong terjadinya kerusakan habitat dan mempengaruhi keanekaragaman hayati perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengetahui aspek biolimnologi dan beberapa aspek biologi beberapa jenis ikan dominan di Situ Cileunca. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli, Agustus, dan Oktober 2009. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan kecerahan perairan Situ Cileunca bekisar antara 0,5- 0,8 m, oksigen terlarut sangat rendah (0,78-5,98 mg/l), ortofosfat relatif tinggi (0,028-0,469mg/l), dan kelimpahan fitoplankton tinggi (279.668-2.169.938 sel/l). Perairan ini dapat digolongkan mempunyai kesuburan eutrofikhipertrofik. Berdasarkan atas biomasa fitoplankton, Situ Cileunca mempunyai potensi sumber daya ikan berkisar
antara 714-1.000 kg/ha. Jenis ikan yang ditemukan selama penelitian 11 jenis. Berdasarkan atas kebiasaanmakannya
ikan betutu (Oxyeleotris marmorata), golsom (Aequidens golsom), dan lele (Clarias batrachus) termasuk golongan
ikan karnivora, dan ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio) dan beunteur (Puntius binotatus) yang termasuk ikan herbivora. Di Situ Cileunca, kelimpahan pakan yang tersedia sangat tinggi tetapi jumlah ikan yangmemanfaatkan rendah, sehingga sumber daya pakan yang tersedia belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Oleh karena itu, Situ Cileunca perlu mengembangan culture based fisheries dengan penebaran jenis ikan pemakan plankton.


Situ Cileunca waters located in South Bandung Regency, West Java Province. Activities of the dairy farm that growing very rapidly in the District of Pengalengan resulting organic wastes discharged into rivers and into Situ Cileunca. It encourages the occurrence of damage or degradation of habitat and affecting aquatic biodiversity. This study aims to determine the aspects of biolimnologies and some aspects of the biology of some fish species predominant in Situ Cileunca. The study was conducted in July, August, and October 2009. The observations showed that waters at Situ Cileunca transparancy range between 0.5-0.8m, dissolved oxygen is very low (0.78-5.98mg/l), orthophosphate relatively high (0.028-0.469 mg/l) and high phytoplankton abundance (279,668-2,169,938 cells/l). These waters can be classified into eutrophic-hypertrophic waters. Based on phytoplankton biomass, Situ Cileunca fish resources have the potential ranges between 714-1,000 kg/ha. Species of fish found during the study as many as 11 species. Based on the food habits of marbled gudgeon (Oxyeleotrismarmorata), red devil (Aequidens golsom), and walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) grouped as carnivorous fish. On the otherhand common carp (Cyprinus carpio), and spotted barb (Puntius binotatus) classified as herbivorous fish. In Situ Cileunca, abundance of food available is very high but the amount of fish that use is still low, so the available feed resource has not been used optimally.
Therefore, to develop culture based fisheries Situ Cileunca need to be stocked with plankton feeder species.


biolimnologi; biologi ikan; potensi biomasa ikan; Situ Cileunca

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/bawal.3.6.2011.405-413

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