Acacia Zeny Araminta Mourniaty, Meuthia Aula Jabbar, I Nyoman Suyasa, Arief Wujdi


Ikan layang merupakan komoditas ekonomis penting dari famili Carangidae yang banyak tertangkap di perairan Bali Selatan. Otolith ikan dimanfaatkan secara luas untuk mengaji taksonomi, pertumbuhan, umur dan kekerabatan populasi ikan dari perairan yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara morfometrik otolith dan ukuran ikan layang serta ciri-ciri morfologi otolith. Sampel dikumpulkan dari Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Kedonganan dan Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Pengambengan, Bali Selatan antara 7 Maret s/d 5 April 2020. Sampel ikan layang deles diambil secara acak (random sampling) dari hasil tangkapan pukat cincin yang beroperasi secara harian. Pengambilan sagittae dilakukan dengan cara “up through the gill”. Secara keseluruhan digunakan 83 pasang sampel otolith sagittae utuh yang berhasil diambil dari bagian kepala ikan layang deles. Hubungan morfometrik otolith dan ukuran ikan dianalisis menggunakan persamaan regresi linear y= ax + b. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara morfometri otolith kiri dan kanan. Ukuran otolith memiliki korelasi isometrik dengan pertumbuhan ikan, dalam arti panjang otolith (OL) menjadi indikator terbaik untuk mengestimasi ukuran individu ikan layang Decapterus macrosoma.

Shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma) is an important economic commodity from the Carangidae family which is mostly caught in South Bali waters. Fish otoliths are widely used to assess the taxonomy, growth, age, and relationships of fish populations from different waters. This study aims to determine the relationship between otolith morphometrics and the size of the flying fish as well as the morphological characteristics of the otoliths. Samples were collected from the Kedonganan Fish Landing Base (PPI) and Pengambengan Archipelago Fishery Port (PPN), South Bali between March 7 to April 5, 2020. The deles fly fish sample was taken randomly (random sampling) from the catch of ring trawlers that operate in an automated manner. Daily. Sagittae collection is done by "up through the gill". Overall, 83 pairs of intact otolith sagittae samples were used which were successfully taken from the head of the deles flying fish. Otolith morphometric relationships and fish size were analyzed using the linear regression equation y = ax + b. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the morphometry of the left and right otoliths. Otolith size has an isometric correlation with fish growth, in the sense that otolith length (OL) is the best indicator to estimate the individual size of Decapterus macrosoma flying fish.


Decapterus macrosoma; ikan layang deles; otolith; morfometri; perairan Bali selatan

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