Behzad Rahnama, Hadi Raeisi, Fateme Radfar, Rafael Menezes, mohammad ali afraei bandpei, Ronaldo Francini-Filho, Ricardo Rosa


Morphological and growth aspects of Tigertooth croaker (Otolithes ruber) were examined in order to assess differences between stocks of this species in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. The minimum and maximum total lengths of this species were 17.78 cm and 47.99 cm in the Oman Sea and 17.05 cm and 38.64 cm in the Persian Gulf respectively. Morphological measurements of fish (total length, standard length, weight) and otolith (length, width, weight, age) were compared by analysis in R software. The One-way ANOVA for each parameter showed significant differences between morphological characteristics (P<0.05). PCA analysis showed that all morphometric parameters have a high value (91.23%) for regional discrimination and the MANOVA test indicated that two areas based on comparison of all morphological characteristics have a significant difference with P≤0.05. For the Oman Sea, the LWR equation was (w= 0.00523TL, 3.1844) and for the Persian Gulf, it was (w= 0.001794TL, 3.5309). KDE showed that the Oman Sea has a larger age density than the Persian Gulf and there is a significant difference between regions (P<0.05). Our results suggest that the O. ruber from the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea are distinct biological stocks, and should be differently managed.


Morphological; Otolithes ruber; Oman Sea; Persian Gulf

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