Agus Djoko Utomo


Perairan rawa banjiran sangat dipengaruhi musim, saat musim kemarau mengalami kekeringan dan saat musim penghujan banjir. Ada dua kelompok ikan di rawa banjiran yaitu kelompok ikan rawa (black-fish) dan kelompok ikan sungai (white fish). Berdasar tipe habitat di rawa banjiran ada beberapa tipe suaka perikanan yaitu suaka tipe lebung, suaka tipe
danau rawa, suaka tipe Sungai, suaka tipe lubuk. Suaka perikanan tipe lebung: “Lebung Suak Buaya” (0,5 ha) di Lubuk Lamam Sumatera selatan terdapat stok ikan 2 ton yang didominansi oleh ikan Gabus (Channa striata), Tembakang (Helostoma temmenckii), Sepat Siam (Trichopodus pectoralis), Betok (Anabas testudineus). Suaka perikanan tipe danau:
“Danau lindung Empangau “ (124 ha) di Kapuas Hulu Kalimantan Barat terdapat stok ikan 5.700 ekor/ha didominansi oleh ikan Haruan (Channa striata), Entukan (Thynnichthys thynnoides), Biawan (Helostoma temmenckii), Tengadak (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii). Suaka perikanan tipe sungai “Kapak Hulu” (segmen sungai panjang 1 km, lebar 30 m) di Lubuk Lamam Sumatera selatan terdapatstok ikan 4 ton didominansi oleh ikan Lais (Kryptopterus kryptopterus), Baung (Hemibagrus nemurus), Palau (Osteochilus hasselti), Lampam (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii). Suaka perikanan “Lubuk Gunung Isam” di Lubuk Lamam Sumatera selatan terdapat stok ikan 2 ton didominansi oleh ikan Tapa (Wallago leeri), Bulu Tulang (Kryptopterus apagon), Baung (Hemibagrus nemurus), Lais (Kryptopterus kryptopterus). Agar supaya suaka perikanan dapat berfungsi dengan baik sehingga mempunyai dampak terhadap masyarakat sekitarnya maka suaka tersebut harus dikelola dengan tepat mulai dari penentuan lokasi yang tepat, sarana prasarana yang diperlukan, serta kelembagaan dan pengawasan.

Floodplain waters are strongly influenced by season, drought during dry season and floods in rainy season. There are two groups of fish in the swamp namely the swamp fishgroup (black fish) and river fish group (white fish). Based on the type of habitat in the swamp flood, there are several types of fish reserves namely floodplain pool reserve, swamp lake reserve, river segment reserve, and deep pool of the riverreserve. Floodplain pool reserve type:” Suak Buaya Reserve”(0.5 ha) in southern Sumatra contained 2 tons of fish stocks dominated by snakehead, kissing gourami, Snakeskin gourami, climbing perches. Swamp lake reserve type: Empangau Lake Reserve (124 ha) in West Kalimantan with5.700 fish/ha dominated by Snakehead fish, minnows or carp,kissing gourami, Tinfoil barb. River segment reserve type: “Kapak Hulu Reserve “ (river segment, length =1 km and width =30 m) in southern Sumatra contained 4 tons of fish dominated by Sheatfishes, Catfish, Hard Lipped Barb, Tinfoil barb. Deep pool of the river reserve type: “Lubuk Gunung Isam Reserve” in southern Sumatra contained 2 tons of fish dominated by Butter catfish, Fur Bones, Catfish, Sheatfishes.In order to conserve fish reserves properly so that they are beneficial for the surrounding community the reserves shall be appropriately managed, either in determining the location, identifying the necessary infrastructure, as well as proposing related institutions and supervision activites.


Strategi pengelolaan; suaka perikanan; peningkatan produksi ikan; rawa banjiran; Management strategy; fish reserve; increasing fish production; flood plain

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