Tulisan ini mempelajari perikanan rakyat pada WPP 714 yang berlokasi di Kota Kendari dan di Kota Tual. Data tentang nelayan perikanan rakyat yang digunakan merupakan data hasil survey yang dikumpulkan pada Bulan Mei 2015 dan bulan Oktober 2015. Basis analisis adalah kelompok alat tangkap Pancing, Jaring dan Perangkap. Jumlah responden pada setiap pengambilan data per lokasi masing-masing 100 responden. Hasil analisis menunjukkan: investasi nelayan perikanan rakyat merupakan induced investment karena memanfaatkan dana sendiri. Pada lokasi tertentu telah memaanfaatkan jasa bank dan pedagang. Armada perikanan rakyat pada dua lokasi itu mampu mensubtitusi peran perikanan komersial, jika berbagai infrastruktur (autonomous investment) seperti: Pabrik Es, Cold Storage, pasokan listrik serta sarana transportasi distribusi ikan, pasokan BBM disiapkan oleh pemerintah. Keberhasilan membangun dan memfungsikan infrastruktur dapat mempercepat transformasi armada perikanan rakyat menuju perikanan komersial. Tulisan ini merekomendasikan transformasi armada perikanan rakyat menjadi armada komersial harus segera dilakukan dengan mengganti PTM dan PMT menjadi armada KM dengan tonase kapal >=20 GT. Transformasi harus dikuti dengan pelatihan manajerial bisnis dan didukung oleh skema pembiayaan yang mudah diakses dengan bunga rendah.
This paper studied about artisanal fisheries in Fisheries Management Area of Indonesian Republic (FMAs) 714 located in Kendari City and Tual City. Data in this paper are obtained from survey conducted in May and October 2015. The analysis is based on the group of fishing equipments: line, net, and trap. Total numbers of respondents are 100 on each location. It is found that the fishing investment of artisanal fisheries can be called as induced investment, because it used a personal funding. In some particular locations they used bank and merchant services. Artisanal fishing vessel on both locations are able to substitute the role of commercial fisheries. This could only occur with the presence of various infrastructures (autonomous investement) such as ice factory, cold storage, electrical supply, fish transportation and distribution equipment, and fuel supply fasilities, prepared by the government. The other things are prepared and accessible of the capital support scheme. The success in building and functioning infrastructures mentioned above could accelerate transformation of the artisanal fisheries towards commercial fisheries. This paper recommends the transformation to be immediately implemented by substituting non powered fishing vessels and out board fishing vessels to inboard powered fishing vessels with tonnage >=20 GT. This transformation should be followed by business managerial training and be supported by accessible funding scheme with low interest.
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