Achmad Zamroni, Irwan Mulyawan, Fatriyandi Nur Priyatna


Produksi nener untuk kebutuhan budidaya bandeng di Indonesia secara kuantitas sudah terpenuhi,
namun secara kualitas masih belum memenuhi syarat. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi
keragaan usaha nener di Indonesia, menganalisis peluang ekspor nener dan merumuskan kebijakan
pengembangan nener. Lokasi survey dilakukan di Gondol dengan menggunakan snowball sebagai
metode pengambilan data. Hasil analisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa nilai
ekonomi usaha nener di lokasi Gondol, Bali setiap tahunnya sebesar Rp 171.360.000.000. Potensi nilai
ekspor nener yang berasal dari lokasi Gondol, Bali sebesar Rp 37.800.000.000 per tahun selama tiga
bulan. Sementara nilai kehilangan produksi akibat produksi nener berlebih dan tidak terserap oleh pasar
baik domestik maupun ekspor selama 9 bulan sebesar Rp 10.800.000.000 per tahun. Oleh karena
itu, rekomendasi kebijakan yang bisa diberikan terkait dengan upaya pengembangan dan pengaturan
usaha budidaya nener adalah dengan memberikan rekomendasi berupa program prioritas dan langkah
eksekusi yang sebaiknya dilakukan oleh direktorat jenderal teknis terkait.

Title: Potency of Export of Indonesian Milkfish Jouvenile:
Opportunity and Challenges

The Quantity of milkfish jouvenile (nener) production is fit for milkfish farming in Indonesia, but
the quality is not eligilbe yet for milkfish farming. This study aims to identify the business performance
of “nener”, to analyze the export opportunities of “nener”, and to formulate policy recommendations for
“nener” business development. Gondol was selected as study location by using snowball approach for
data collections. The result of this study based on qualitative and quantitative analysis shows that the
economic value of “nener” business at Gondol is Rp 171.36 billion per year, potency of export value of
is Rp 37.8 billion per year during three months. Meanwhile, the value of lost production due to excess
production of milkfish and not absorbed by the domestic and export market for 9 months is about Rp
10.8 billion per year. Therefore, the policy recommendations that can be presented in connection with
the development effort and setting the cultivation of milkfish is to provide recommendations in the form of
program priorities and execution steps that should be done by the relevant technical directorate general
in Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries.


expor; nener; peluang; tantangan

Full Text:


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jksekp.v5i2.1029

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Published by

Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic

in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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