Eva Royandi, Arif Satria, Saharuddin Saharuddin


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis aktor dan relasi kekuasaan yang terjadi dalam pengelolaan sumber daya laut Palabuhanratu.  Lokasi penelitian di Perairan Laut Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua aktor membangun kekuasaan melalui mekanisme akses berbasis hak dan mekanismes akses berbasis struktur dan relasi sosial dengan basis kekuasaan modal, pasar, teknologi, pengetahuan, identitas sosial, otoritas, dan patron klien. Kelompok nelayan lokal, nelayan dari luar (nelayan Banten) dan nelayan pendatang etnis Jawa berupaya mempertahankan akses, sementara kelompok nelayan etnis Bugis berupaya mengontrol akses terhadap sumber daya laut. Perbedaan posisi antar kelompok nelayan menyebabkan terjadinya relasi kekuasaan antar kelompok nelayan dalam memperoleh sumber daya laut Palabuhanratu. Sementara aktivitas pihak pengelola PLTU dianggap membatasi kekuasaan kelompok nelayan melalui penggunaan wilayah pesisir dan penggunaan jalur transportasi laut. Keterbatasan akses kelompok nelayan menyebabkan terjadinya relasi kuasa antara nelayan dengan pengelola PLTU. 

Title: Group of Interest and Relation Power in The Utilization of Marine Resources Palabuhanratu

The purpose of this study is to analyze the actors and power relations occured in the management of Palabuhanratu marine resources. Research was located in Palabuhanratu Sea Waters, Sukabumi, West Java. Research used qualitative methods. Results of the study showed that all actors built power through right-based access mechanisms and mechanisms based on structure and social relations with a basis of power of capital, markets, technology, knowledge, social identity, authority, and patron clients. Local fishing groups, outside fishers (Banten fishers) and Javanese ethnic fishers tried to maintain access, while Bugis ethnic fishers groups tried to control access to marine resources. Differences in position between fishers groups led to power relations among the groups in obtaining Palabuhanratu marine resources. While the activities of the management of the Steam Power Plant (PLTU) were considered to limit the power of fishers groups through the use of coastal areas and sea transportation routes. Limited access of fishers groups led to power relations between fishers and managers of Steam Power Plants (PLTU). 


aktor; akses; relasi kekuasaan

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Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic

in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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