Tenny Apriliani, Rismutia Hayu Deswati


Impor ikan salmon-trout semakin meningkat seiring bervariasinya menu masakan Jepang di Indonesia pada sejumlah hotel, restoran dan katering. Pengendalian impor terhadap komoditas harus dilakukan sebagai upaya mengurangi defisit neraca perdagangan. Pengendalian impor ikan salmon-trout sangat penting dilakukan karena merupakan produk pesaing ikan lokal dan berpotensi menurunkan permintaan terhadap ikan lokal. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan strategi pengendalian impor ikan salmon-trout terutama untuk konsumsi hotel, restoran, katering, pasar modern (Horekapasmod) dan industri pengolahan ikan (re-ekspor). Data primer dan sekunder digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data primer berasal dari wawancara dan diskusi dengan pemangku kepentingan impor salmon-trout pada bulan bulan Maret hingga September 2019 di DKI Jakarta dan Jawa Timur sebagai pintu masuk impor utama ikan salmon-trout. Data sekunder juga dikumpulkan dari berbagai institusi seperti BPS dan berbagai hasil penelitian beberapa perguruan tinggi. Data yang dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analysis hierarchy process (AHP) untuk merumuskan strategi pengendalian impor salmon-trout. Strategi pengendalian impor salmon-trout berdasarkan hasil analisis disusun berdasarkan prioritas. Prioritas pertama dengan bobot nilai 0,413 adalah sosialisasi dan edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang jenis ikan yang memiliki kandungan gizi sama dengan salmon-trout. Prioritas kedua adalah peningkatan ketersediaan dan perbaikan kualitas
ikan lokal yang potensial mensubstitusi salmon-trout dengan bobot 0.363. Prioritas ketiga adalah mengikuti kerjasama perdagangan internasional untuk ekspansi pasar ekspor khususnya untuk fillet salmon-trout dengan bobot sebesar 0,224. Pelaksanaan strategi tersebut diharapkan dapat
meningkatkan konsumsi ikan lokal yang asupan gizinya tidak kalah dengan salmon-trout sehingga alokasi impor dalam negeri dapat dikurangi secara bertahap.

Title: Salmon-Trout Import Control Strategies for Domestic Market Consumption

Salmon-trout imports has increased along with the growth of hotels, restaurants and restaurants with Japanese cuisine in Indonesia. Control of imports of commodities must be done as an effort to reduce the trade balance deficit. Import control of salmon-trout is very important because it is a local fish competitor and has the potential to reduce demand for local fish. Therefore, this study aims to formulate a salmon-trout import control strategy especially for hotels, restaurants, catering, retails and processing industry (re-export) consumption. Primary and secondary data were used in this study, primary data derived from interviews and discussions with salmon-trout importer stakeholders in March to September 2019 in DKI Jakarta and East Java as the main entry point for salmon-trout import. Secondary data was also collected and from various institutions such as BPS and various research results from several universities. The data collected then analyzed using the hierarchical process analysis (AHP) method to formulate salmon-trout import control strategies. Salmon-trout import control strategies based on the results of the analysis are arranged according to priority. The first priority with a weight value of 0.413 is socialization and education to the public about the types of fish that have the same nutritional content as Salmon-Trout. The second priority is increasing availability and improving the quality of local fish which has the potential to substitute Salmon-Trout with a weight of 0.363. The third priority is to participate in international trade cooperation for the expansion of export markets specifically for salmon-trout fillets with a weight of 0.224. The implementation of this strategy is expected to increase the consumption of local fish which are nutritionally inferior to salmon-trout so that the allocation of imports is gradually reduced.


salmon-trout, pengendalian impor, analysis hierarchi process, konsumsi, pasadalam negeri

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Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic

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Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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