Suherman Banon Atmaja, Duto Nugroho, Moh Natsir


Kapasitas penangkapan berlebih dikenali oleh para pengelola sumber daya ikan sebagai masalah utama bagi pengelola perikanan. Antisipasi penurunan kapasitas penangkapan armada pukat cincin dilakukan melalui perubahan radikal wilayah operasi penangkapan melalui relokasi usaha perikanan dari kawasan jenuh tangkap (wilayah pengelolaan perikanan 712 Laut Jawa) ke perairan yang relatif rendah tingkat pemanfaatannya di kawasan timur Indonesia (wilayah pengelolaan perikanan 715, 716) dan Samudera Hindia (wilayah pengelolaan perikanan 573). Analisis Produktivitas kapal contoh yang digambarkan berdasarkan atas besarnya hasil tangkapan per upaya (ton/tawur), menunjukkan bahwa hasil tangkapan per upaya tertinggi ditemukan di perairan Kepulauan Kangean dan Laut Maluku sekitar 3 ton/tawur, sedangkan yang terendah di Samudera Hindia sekitar 1,11 ton/tawur. Kapal pukat cincin Pekalongan yang beroperasi di Laut Maluku dan Samudera Hindia melakukan perubahan secara fisik melalui penerapan metode pembekuan plate freezing atau pembekuan cepat (sharp freezing). Sementara itu, terjadinya perubahan radikal untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasional kapal pukat cincin dari Pekalongan dilakukan dengan cara manual sebagian besar hasil tangkapan di laut sebagai akibat tingginya tingkat kompetisi dan rendahnya peluang keberhasilan. Selain itu terjadi perubahan pada sistem bagi hasil, untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan peluang keberhasilan operasi penangkapan, dengan memberlakukan sistem kontrak kerja nelayan untuk kali setiap trip.


The existence of excessive fishing capacity generally recognized as a major problem for the fisheries managers whose have responsibility for the declining of fishery resources and economically wasteful. In some cases, reduction capacity was anticipated not by reducing the boat activities or changing the fishing gear, but through a radical change by relocating of fishing effort from the fully exploited fishing ground (fishery management area 712 Java Sea) to the areas with relatively low or medium exploited levels in eastern part of Indonesia (fishery management area 715, 716) and the Indian Ocean (fishery management area 573). As the boat productivity derrived from catch per unit of effort (ton/haul), the results showed that the highest catch per unit of effort occurred in Kangean Islands waters and the Moluccas Sea with approximately 3 ton/setting, while the lowest catch per unit of effort occurs in the Indian Ocean of 1.11 ton/haul. In relation with these aspects, there are some radical changes on operational aspects in which most of the catch has been transhiped at sea to increase the efficiency due to high level of competitiveness and low probability of successful fishing the boat that operatings in the Maluku Sea and Indian Ocean were modified through some physically treatments on fish hold through freezing method using plates (plate freezing or sharp freezing). In addition, several changes from the sharing system occurred to increase the probability of successful trips, most of the fishermen was contracted for each fishing trip.


kapasitas penangkapan; relokasi; perubahan masukan; pukat cincin; Laut Jawa

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