Tirtadanu Tirtadanu, Suprapto Suprapto, Tri Ernawati


Penangkapan udang di Laut Jawa telah dilakukan sejak lama dan aktivitasnya berpengaruh besar terhadap perubahan stok dan ekologi perairan. Data dan informasi terbaru terkait laju tangkap, komposisi, sebaran dan kepadatan stok udang diperlukan sebagai dasar dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya udang yang berkelanjutan di Laut Jawa. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui laju tangkap, komposisi, sebaran dan kepadatan stok udang di Laut Jawa. Penelitian dilakukan pada Oktober dan November 2015 dengan menggunakan armada Kapal Riset Madidihang 02 di Laut Jawa. Kepadatan stok diestimasi dengan metode sapuan. Enam belas spesies dari 6 genera udang ditemukan di Laut Jawa dengan lima spesies dominan adalah Metapenaeopsis palmensis (53,33%), Metapenaeus ensis (14,98%), Trachypenaeus malaiana (12,89%), Penaeus semisulcatus (6,16%) dan Metapenaeopsis stridulans (5,21%). Rerata panjang karapas udang yang dominan yaitu udang krosok (M. palmensis) adalah 14 mm untuk udang jantan dan 16 mm untuk udang betina. Secara horisontal, penyebaran udang tertinggi ditemukan di perairan selatan Kalimantan Tengah, perairan utara Sumenep, perairan sekitar Pulau Bawean dan utara Tegal. Berdasarkan pengalaman, penyebaran udang tertinggi ditemukan pada kedalaman 40-50 m. Rerata kepadatan stok udang di Laut Jawa sebesar 21,34 ± 16,81 kg/km2 dan laju tangkap sebesar 1 ± 0,5 kg/jam. Estimasi biomasa udang di Laut Jawa sebesar 9.938 ton.


Shrimp resources in Java Sea have been exploited for years and its activity affected the changes of shrimps stock abundance  and aquatic ecology. Data and the latest information about catch rate, composition, distribution, density and biomass of shrimps were required as a basis of sustainable management in Java Sea. The aim of this research were to determine catch rate, composition, distribution, density and biomass of shrimps in Java Sea. The Research was conducted from October until November 2015 using Research vessel Madidihang 02 in Java Sea. Swept Area Method was used for stock density estimation. The aims of this research were to determine catch rate, composition, distribution and stock density of shrimps in Java Sea. Sixteen species from 6 genera of shrimps were found in Java Sea. The Dominant species of shrimps in Java sea were Metapenaeopsis palmensis (53,33%), Metapenaeus ensis (14,98%), Trachypenaeus malaiana (12,89%), Penaeus semisulcatus (6,16%) and Metapenaeopsis stridulans (5,21%). The most dominant shrimps caught were velvet shrimps (M. palmensis) of the average size of 14 mm carapace length for males and 16 mm carapace length for females. The highest stock density of Penaeid shrimps were found in the southern waters of Kalimantan Central, northern waters of Sumenep and the waters around Bawean island and Northern waters of Tegal. The highest stock density were found in depth of 40-50 m. The average density of Penaeid shrimps in the Java sea was 21.34 ± 16.81 kg/km2 and the catch rate was 1±0,5 kg/hour. Biomass estimation of shrimps in Java Sea were 9.938 ton.


Kepadatan stok ; komposisi ; Laut Jawa ; sebaran ; udang

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