Produksi krustasea di Cilacap menurun seiring dengan penurunan kualitas habitat. Fenomena ini dapat diungkap dengan penelitian stok krutasea dan kondisi habitatnya, untuk mengetahui; kelimpahan, laju tangkap, komposisi dan hubungannya dengan kondisi habitat. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2013 dengan sampling pada area dan musim yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan kelimpahan krustasea di Area Timur (6.865 ekor/104m3) lebih tinggi dari Area Tengah (1.023 ekor/104m3) dan Area Barat (441 ekor/104m3), Musim Timur (4.378 ekor/104m3) lebih tinggi dari Musim Peralihan II (1.174 ekor/104m3). Laju tangkap krustasea di Area Timur (1.910 gr/jam) lebih tinggi dari Area Tengah (1.104 gr/jam) dan Area Barat (389 gr/jam), Musim Timur (1.222 gr/ jam) lebih tinggi dari Musim Peralihan II (1.046 gr/jam). Komposisi krustasea di Area Barat (71,50 %) lebih tinggi dari Area Tengah (67,66 %) dan Area Timur (50,68 %), Musim Timur (56,84 %) lebih rendah dari Musim Peralihan II (69,72 %). Kelimpahan larva udang di Area Tengah (70.313 ekor/ 103m3) lebih tinggi dari Area Barat (13.357 ekor/103m3) dan Area Timur (18.400 ekor/103m3), Musim Peralihan I (56.861 ekor/103m3) lebih tinggi dari Musim Timur (11.186 ekor/103m3). Kondisi perairan antar wilayah dan musim menunjukan kualitas yang berbeda. Oksigen dan karbondioksida terlarut lebih baik di Area Timur dibandingkan Area Barat dan Area Tengah. Kecerahan, salinitas dan kecepatan arus di Area Timur lebih tinggi dibandingkan area lainnya. Musim Peralihan I memiliki kandungan oksigen dan pH lebih baik dari Musim Timur, salinitas dan kecepatan arus lebih rendah dari Musim Timur. Larva udang lebih menyukai tutupan mangrove tinggi sedangkan juvenil lebih menyukai jenis mangrove Rhizopora spp.
Crustaceans production in Cilacap decreases with habitat degradation. This phenomenon can be revealed by crutaceans stock krutasea and its habitat conditions, to know; abundance, catch rate, composition, and its relationship with habitat conditions. The study was conducted in 2013 by sampling in the area and the different seasons. The results of research to get the pace of crustaceans abundance in the East Area (6,865 individuals/104m3) is higher than Area Central (1,023 individuals/ 104m3) and the Western Area (441 individuals/104m3), East season (4,378 individuals/104m3) higher than the Transition II season (1,174 individuals/104m3). Catch rate of crustaceans in East Area (1,910 gr/hour) is higher than Area Middle (1,104 gr/hour) and the Western Area (389 gr/hour), East season (1,222 gr/hour) higher than the Transition II season (1,046 gr/hour). Composition crustaceans Area West (71.50%) is higher than the Central Area (67.66%) and the East Area (50.68%), East season (56.84%) was lower than Transition II season (69.72 %). The abundance of shrimp larvae in Area Central (70,313 individuals/103m3) higher than the Western Area (13,357 individuals/103m3) and East Area (18,400 individuals/103m3), Transition I season (56,861 individuals/ 103m3) is higher than East season (11,186 individuals/103m3). Water conditions between regions and seasons show different qualities. Dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide are better than the East Area and West Area Central Area. Transparanchy, salinity and speed of currents in the East Area is higher than other areas. Transitional I season have an dissolved oxygen and pH better than East season, salinity and speed of currents lower than East season. Shrimp larvae prefer the high mangrove cover while the juvenile prefers mangrove species Rhizophora spp.
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