Sam Wouthuyzen, Jonas Lorwens, Frensly D. Hukom



Sumber daya ikan karang (SDIK) dari salah satu ekosistem tropika wilayah pesisir yang sangat produktif, namun hingga kini belum diketahui stoknya, sehingga menyebabkan pengelolaan berkelanjutan sulit dilakukan,meskipun kawasan konservasi perikanan (Daerah Perlindungan Laut, DPL)sudah banyak didirikan. Tujuan kajian ini adalah mengetahui keefektifan DPL dalam konservasi SDIK di Kabupaten Biak-Numfor, dan Supiori melalui pembandingan stok SDIK dalam bentuk densitas ikan (ekor/m2) di DPL dan di luar DPL. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa SDIK (ikan Target, Indikator dan Mayor) menurun drastis hampir di semua lokasi kajian, akibat pemanfaatan yang tidak ramah lingkungan pada 1995, 2001 dan 2010-2012.Perbandingan densitas SDIK di luar DPL pada 2010-2012 dan di 20 lokasi DPL tradisonal yang didirikan masyarakat di wilayah kerja Coremap LIPI pada 2008 menunjukkan bahwa densitas SDIK ikan Target, Indikator dan Mayor di DPL masing-masing lebih tinggi 3-4 kali, 3-5 kali dan 2-3 kali. DPL tradisional terbukti efektif mengkonservasi SDIK, oleh karenanya pendirian DPL perlu terus dilanjutkan di banyak lokasi, seperti target pemerintah yang akan mendirikan 20 juta ha DPL hingg 2020. DPL yang telah ada juga perlu dipantau dan dirawat secara periodik agar efektif mengkonservasi SDIK.


The reef fishes resources produced from one of productive tropical ecosystem in the coastal zones have not well known yet. Thus, it is difficult to conduct sustainable management on reef fishes, desipite there are many sanctuaries (DPL) have been established in Indonesia waters. This paper aims to assess the effectiveness of DPL in the Biak-Numfor and Supiori Districts by comparing the reef fish stocks expressed as fish density (individuals/m2) between areas inside and outside DPL. Results show that the reef fish stocks (Target, Indicator and Major group) were drastically decreased in almost of study sites due to over exploitation and environmentally unfriendly fishing practises during 1995, 2001 to 2010-2012. Comparison of reef fishes density between outside DPL in 2010-2012 and inside of the 20 locations of traditional DPL established by local communities in 2008 within the Coremap LIPI working areas indicated that the density of reef fishes are 3-4, 3-5 and 2-3 times higher for Target, Indicator, and Major fish groups, respectively. Traditional DPL proves its role and its effectiveness as one of conservation tool to increase the reef fish stocks abundance Threfore, it is needed to estabish more DPL which have been targeted by government to reach 20 million ha of DPL by 2020. The exsisting DPL should be always be maintained in order they are effective in protecting the reef fish resources. 


Densitas; ikan karang; konservasi; Biak-Numfor; Supiori

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jppi.22.4.2016.271-284

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