Prihatiningsih Prihatiningsih, Umi Chodriyah


Penangkapan hiu di Indonesia setiap tahun meningkat jumlahnya sehingga diperlukan penelitian agar pemanfaatannya lestari. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji komposisi jenis, hasil tangkapan per upaya, musim dan daerah penangkapan ikan hiu. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tahun 2015-2016 di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survey dan pengumpulan data bulanan dibantu oleh enumerator. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komposisi jenis ikan hiu yang tertangkap di perairan Samudera Hindia, Selatan Jawa dan didaratkan di PPS Cilacap didominasi oleh hiu tikusan (A. pelagicus) 32,69%, hiu paitan (A. superciliosus) 20,21%, hiu slendang (P. glauca) 11,25%, hiu gabel (H. lemures) 7,55% dan hiu lanjaman (C. falciformis) 6,14%. Hasil tangkapan per upaya (CPUE) ikan hiu mengalami peningkatan sebanyak 57% selama 6 tahun terakhir (2011-2016) dengan puncak musim penangkapan ikan hiu terjadi pada Juli dan Nopember.

Sharks was the Elasmobranchii class which means cartilaginous fish. The number of sharks in Indonesia was increasing every year, so monitoring was needed to ensure sustainable utilization. This study was aims to assess the species composition, catch per unit of effort, season and fishing ground of shark. The study was conducted in 2015-2016 at the Cilacap Oceans Fishing Port, Central Java. Research methods were conducted by survey method and montly data collection by enumerator. The dominant fish biology observation included measurement of the fork length. The results showed that the shark catches composition were dominated by A. pelagicus (32.69%), A. superciliosus (20.21%), P. glauca (11.25%), H. lemures (7.55%) and C. falciformis (6.14%). Catch per unit of effort trends tended to increase as much as 57% from 2011 to 2016. The peak season of fishing occurs in July and November.


Komposisi; hasil tangkapan; ikan hiu; Selatan Jawa

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jppi.24.4.2018.283-297

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