Danu Wijaya, Amula Nurfiarini


Percobaan penebaran lobster pasir (Panulirus homarus) di Perairan Teluk Prigi, Kabupaten Trenggalek dilakukan pada 2015. Percobaan dilakukan dengan cara memberi tanda (tag) pada seluruh sampel lobster pasir yang ditebar, dikenal sebagai metode Capture-mark-recapture (CMR) dan sudah banyak digunakan untuk mempelajari populasi biota di alam. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat tertangkap kembali, laju pertumbuhan, dan pergerakan lobster pasir bertanda di Teluk Prigi. Penebaran lobster pasir bertanda dilakukan pada tiga lokasi yaitu Damas, Karanggongso dan Karangasem dengan jumlah 2.784 ekor dan diberi tanda jenis T-bar berwarna merah yang memiliki kode. Pengamatan lobster pasir bertanda yang tertangkap kembali dilakukan sepanjang tahun 2016 di Teluk Prigi (Februari-Desember). Tingkat tertangkap kembali lobster bertanda dihitung menggunakan proporsi antara lobster bertanda yang tertangkap dengan lobster bertanda yang ditebar. Laju pertumbuhan lobster bertanda yang tertangkap kembali dihitung berdasarkan pertumbuhan per satuan waktu yang sama dengan perubahan panjang dibagi dengan perubahan umur. Pergerakan lobster bertanda diukur melalui jarak dari lokasi tebar sampai dengan lokasi lobster bertanda yang tertangkap kembali. Tingkat tertangkap kembali lobster pasir (P. homarus) bertanda di Teluk Prigi sebanyak 4,7 %. Laju pertumbuhan lobster pasir yang tertangkap kembali rata-rata 0,09±0,05 mm/hari. Pergerakan lobster pasir bertanda yang tertangkap kembali di Teluk Prigi berkisar antara 0,1-11,36 km. Pergerakan lobster pasir bertanda memiliki kecenderungan acak dan tetap pada wilayah pantai.

In 2015, restocking experiment of Scalloped spiny lobster (Panulirus homarus) was conducted in Gulf of Prigi, Trenggalek Regency and the  lobsters were tagged. This methods is known as Capture-mark-recapture (CMR). CMR is widely used to study of biota populations in wild nature. The aims of this study are to determine the recapture rate, growth rate, and movement of tagged scalloped spiny lobster in Prigi Bay.The tagged spiny lobster release was realesed at three locations, namely Damas, Karanggongso and Karangasem with 2,784 lobsters and was tagged with a red T-bar type that has a code. Observations of tagged scalloped spiny lobsters were carried out again throughout 2016 in Prigi Bay (February-December). The recapture rate of tagged spiny lobster is calculated using the proportion between the tagged lobster with the tagged lobster released. The tagged tagged spiny lobster growth rate is calculated again based on growth per unit time which is equal to the change in length divided by the change in age. Tagged spiny lobster movements are measured by distance from the location of release to the location of the tagged tagged spiny lobster is capture again. The recapture rate of tagged spiny lobster (P. homarus) marked in Gulf of Prigi as much as 4.7%. The growth rate of tagged spiny lobster averaged 0.09 ± 0.05 mm/day. The movement of tagged spiny lobster in Gulf of Prigi ranges from 0.1 to 11.36 km. The movement of tagged spiny lobster has a random movement  and remains in the coastal region.


Lobster pasir; tingkat tertangkap kembali; laju pertumbuhan; pergerakan; Teluk Prigi

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