Muhammad Hunaina Fariduddin Ath-thar, Rudhy Gustiano, Irin Iriana Kusmini, Vitas Atmadi Prakoso, Fera Permata Putri


Ikan gabus (Channa striata) merupakan ikan lokal air tawar potensial untuk pengembangan budidaya di Indonesia. Sebagian besar produksi ikan gabus berasal dari tangkapan di alam yang menyebabkan menurunnya populasi ikan gabus. Domestikasi merupakan salah satu solusi dari masalah ini. Dewasa ini, ikan gabus telah dapat dipijahkan baik secara alami maupun buatan. Namun demikian produksi benih yang dihasilkan masih bergantung pada kondisi lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan dosis oodev yang optimal untuk pematangan gonad ikan gabus, pemijahan alami, dan analisis performa pertumbuhan keturunan pertama. Jumlah larva yang dihasilkan dari pemijahan alami ikan gabus pada lingkungan ex situ adalah 1.250-5.000 ekor per induk. Berdasarkan pertambahan diameter dan fase kematangan telur, induksi hormon dengan dosis 1,5 mL/kg menunjukkan hasil terbaik dibandingkan perlakuan lain (perlakuan dosis 0,5 dan 1 mL/kg). Benih ikan gabus hasil pemijahan alami di luar habitat menunjukkan populasi Bogor memberikan performa pertumbuhan mutlak bobot (1,7 ± 0,06 g); laju pertumbuhan spesifik (2,6% ± 0,10%); dan sintasan (86,43% ± 1,32%) lebih baik dibandingkan benih ikan gabus populasi Palembang.

Striped snakehead (Channa striata) is a market potential of local fish in Indonesia. Up to now (to date), the majority of production comes from natural catches. This condition, if continues, can lead to the decline in natural stock. Domestication offers a promising solution to help solve this problem. So far, natural spawning for seed production has been done succcesfully. However, continuity of fish supply is still very much dependent on environmental factors. The present study aimed to investigate the optimal hormone dosage for inducing gonad maturation, natural spawning and to analyze growth performance of fry resulted from natural spawning. Striped snakehead broodstock from Palembang and Bogor were induced with three dosages of oodev (consisted of Pregnant Mare’s Serum Gonadotropin and Aromatase Inhibitor) treatment for gonad maturation (0.5 mL/kg; 1 mL/kg and 1.5 mL/kg) with three replications. The reproductive parameters as oocyte diameter and development were measured. Striped snakehead were spawned naturally with male and female ratio of 1:1. Growth performance of seed were analyzed for 40 days of rearing. The result showed that oodev enabled to speed up gonad maturation process. Broodstock induced with 1.5 mL/kg oodev showed the biggest egg diameter and was significantly different from other treatments (P<0.05). Fry count resulted from natural spawning ranged from 1,250 to 5,000/broodstock. The broodstock from Bogor produced higher total weight gain (1.7±0.06 g) and better specific growth rate (2.6%±0.10%) than that of Palembang as well as survival rate (86.43%±1.32%).


ikan gabus; induksi hormon; pemijahan alami; pertumbuhan; striped snakehead; hormonal induction; natural spawning; growth

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