Darti Satyani, Jacques Slembrouck, Siti Subandiyah, Marc Legendre


Penelitian mengenai teknik pembenihan ikan tiger botia (Chromobotia macracanthus) ini dikerjakan dengan menggunakan 2 bak yang masing-masing diisi 20 ekor induk botia. Pakan dari induk adalah cacing darah dan pelet udang (protein 30%) sekenyangnya. Induk yang matang gonad distimulasi dengan hormon gonadotropin berkadar 1,0 mL/kg untuk betina dan 0,6 mL/kg untuk jantannya. Telur terbuahi ditetaskan dalam corong inkubator berukuran 3 dan 5 L dengan kepadatan 100 butir telur/liter. Larva yang menetas dipelihara dalam hapa ukuran 50 cm x 50 cm x50 cm di dalam bak fiberglas selama 15 hari. Pakan yang diberikan adalah naupli Artemia 3 (tiga) kali sehari sekenyangnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa 10 betina dan 3 jantan dari 34 ekor induk dapat matang gonad, namun hanya 5 ekor betina yang telurnya dapat menetas. Daya tetas telur pada corong yang kecil yaitu 3 (tiga) liter (32,17% ± 16,25%) nyata lebih tinggi dari yang 5 (lima) liter (14,22% ± 3,83%). Sintasan dan pertumbuhan larva dalam hapa tidak ada beda antara kepadatan 3 dan 5 ekor/liter.

Chromobotia macracanthus as clown loach artificial propagation experiments were carried out using broodfishes maintained in two 2m3 concrete tanks (20 fish per tank). Broodfish were fed ad libitum with bloodworms and a 30% crude proteins commercial pelleted feed. Oocyte maturation and ovulation were induced with two successive injection of ovaprim of female at doses of 0.4 mL. kg-1 body weight, then 0.6 6 hours later. Males received one ovaprim injection at dose of 0.4 bw. After gamete collection and artificial fertilization, eggs were incubated at 25°C— 27°C in 3 or 5 liters funnel incubators. Hatched larvae were reared for 15 days in 0.5x0.5x0.5 hapas placed in 1m fiberglass tanks. In the hapas, the larvae were stocked at either 3 or 5 larvae per liter and fed with Artemia nauplii distributed in exess 3 times per day. Among the broodfish, 10 females  and 3 males were found with mature gonads and received the hormonal treatment. However, larvae could be obtained from eggs of 5 females only. Hatching rates was higher in 3 L (32.17% ± 16.25%) than in 5 L funnel incubators (14.22% ± 3.83%). After 15-days rearing period, survival and growth rates of larvae did not differed significantly as a function of larvae stocking density in happas.


Chromobotia macracanthus; induce breeding; egg incubation; larval rearing

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