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Author Guidelines
- Jurnal Riset Akuakultur (JRA) only receives online submissions through its open journal system (OJS). Submission of a manuscript implies that the manuscript has not been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere. A Cover Letter describing the submission of the manuscript should include this statement (see an example of a Cover Letter here) and has to be uploaded as a supplementary file within the OJS.
- All authors should read and approve a manuscript before submission to JRA. All authors must be responsible for the quality, accuracy, and ethical requirements of the submitted work. These approval and responsibility statements must be included in the Cover letter described above.
- All authors must have contributed in all or parts of the research works described in the manuscript. The authors' contribution follows the relevant CRedit (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) described in
- A filled and signed Authorship Statement by the first/corresponding author on behalf of all authors has to be uploaded as a supplementary file within the OJS. The authorship statement can be downloaded here.
- The manuscript must be submitted as a Microsoft Word file using the template available here. The supplementary documents, including the Cover Letter and Authorship Statement, can be provided in Word Documents or PDF files.
- All author details and emails are mandatory and must be filled in the submission metadata.
- Submitted manuscripts with missing supplementary files or not following the manuscript format will be rejected or returned to the authors for resubmission.
- A complete submission will be processed for initial review for the first decision and continued for double-blind peer review if it is deemed to have the potential for publication.
- Manuscript withdrawal by the authors during the peer review or editing process is not allowed except for exceptional circumstances as described in the COPE guidelines. A formal letter of withdrawal from the authors must be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief explaining the reasons for the withdrawal. In case of unsubstantiated withdrawal requests that prevent the publication of the manuscript, all authors are considered to breach publication ethics and will be denied from publishing their works in JRA for two years.
Article Types
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur (JRA) will consider the following article types:
Original Research
The original research must contain new research findings consistent with the aims and scope of JRA. Original research can include the presentation of new hypotheses and experiments, concepts or theories, developing innovative experimental or numerical methods, or novel applications of existing methods and models. The structure of this article consists of abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, funding, author contribution, conflict of interest statement and references. The typical length of an original research manuscript has to be between 6000-9000 words (including tables, figures and references).
The review article does not contain new information, but it summarizes emerging trends or recent developments. This article type usually does not contain original new data or new experimental results. Instead, a review article should provide a critical evaluation and overview based on the information extracted from existing literature. This type of manuscript can contain critical, state-of-the-art review with the objectives of critically evaluating existing knowledge and providing background information for future significant studies. The structure of a review article is fluid but at least has abstract, introduction, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, funding (if available), authorship statement, conflict of interest statement and references. The typical review manuscript length must be between 6000-9000 words (including tables, figures and references).
Manuscript Checklist
- Cover Letter (single file)
- Authorship Statement (single file)
- Title Page (single file)
- Main text/manuscript (single file)
- Table (each table can be provided in an individual file or in different spreadsheets of a single file and its native format, ex. excel)
- Graph/figure (each graph created using MS Office or other standard software shall be provided in its native format. Figure is preferred in JPG/TIFF format and has a resolution of at least 300 dpi)
- Other supplementary materials (supplemented datasets should be archived in a well-known database repository)
Manuscript Preparation
The manuscripts must prepared by following these standard formatting:
- Manuscript can be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English language using MS Word.
- Manuscript should be written in 12-point Times New Roman double space in A4 paper single-column format with 2.5 cm margins on all sides.
- The manuscript has to use continuous line numbers throughout the manuscript.
- Use the international system of units (SI) or SI-derived units to express units of measurement. Minus index is suggested to be used rather than slash (/), e.g., mg L-1, g L-1, not mg/L or g/L.
- The first mention of a common species name must be followed by the scientific or Latin name typed in italics in parentheses. When the biota is not common in English, the scientific or Latin name can be used in all manuscript sections. Scientific or Latin name of a species must be mentioned completely for the first mention in the text, e.g., Penaeus vannamei, Oreochromis niloticus, and followed by shortening the genera name for the next mention, e.g., P. vananmei, O. niloticus.
- Define abbreviations that are not common in aquaculture at the first mention.
- Number one to nine is expressed with words, except if they relate to measurement and are followed by units, while numbers above nine are written in numbers, except if they appear at the beginning of the sentence.
- The manuscript title must be clear, concise, and informative. It must not exceed 20 words.
- Each section should be written in bold capital letters (uppercase) with justified alignment, while the subsection should be written in bold sentence case letters with justified alignment.
- Results and discussion section must be combined, not separated.
- Each reference cited in the manuscript must be listed in the references section and use a minimum of 80% primary references (articles in peer-reviewed journals, book and book chapters from a direct research work, conference proceeding, master thesis, and PhD thesis) which are published within the last 10 years.
- Use editable figures or charts and tables whenever possible.
- Provide the captions of graphs/figures and tables in Bahasa Indonesia, followed by its English translation for manuscripts written in Bahasa Indonesia. For manuscripts written in English, only English captions are needed. Additional notes to describe symbols/other details for graphs/figures have to be included in the caption if not part of the graphs/figures. Additional notes for tables have to be placed underneath the tables.
- All manuscripts submitted must have a maximum similarity index of 20% when checked using ithenticate. Authors are encouraged to do a self-plagiarism check and send the result as supplementary material.
Manuscript Structure
The manuscript is arranged in the following order:
Title Page
The title page is provided in a single separate MS Word file. The title page contains the title of the manuscript written concisely, clearly, and informative, and not exceeding 20 words. It should represent the main theme/direction of the research. Avoid writing a title that refers to LOCAL CONTEXT. It is written in 12-point Times New Roman single-spaced using bold capital letters (uppercase) with center alignment.
The author and co-authors' full names (first and last name) are written under the title, followed by the list of the author's affiliations. Numbered superscripts are placed at the end of each author's last name, corresponding to numbered superscripts at the front of the author's affiliation. Each affiliation must be followed with a full postal address. The corresponding author is marked with the asterisk symbol (*)after the numbered superscript. The authors' names are written in 12-point Times New Roman single space using bold capitalized each word letters with center alignment. The authors' affiliations are typed in 10-point Times New Roman single space using capitalized each word letters with center alignment. Please provide the corresponding author's email and address written in 10-point Times New Roman single space with center alignment.
Main Text/Manuscript
The main text/manuscript shall be provided in a single MS Word file containing the following sections:
Title: Repeat the title with the same formatting described in the Title Page
The abstract is written in dual languages, Bahasa Indonesia and English, using 12-point Times New Roman in single space with justified alignment. If a manuscript is written entirely in Bahasa Indonesia, its English abstract is provided after the Bahasa Indonesia abstract and vice versa. The secondary abstract must have the manuscript title in the first sentence typed using bold capitalized each word letters. The abstract must not exceed 250 words and contains a brief outline of the problem statement, aims/objectives of the study, brief methodology, the main findings or results, and conclusion. Please avoid restating the results as the conclusion. Instead, a conclusion should be a summary of key findings/primary takeaways concerning the objective of the research.
Keywords :
Please provide 4-6 keywords written in alphabetical order after Bahasa Indonesia and English versions of the abstract. Keywords are typed in 12-point Times New Roman single space using bold lowercase letters separated with semicolons for each keyword.
The introduction must be concise and at least has several components, including an adequate background related to the research, problem statements/research gaps, sufficient literature review from previous studies, novelty statement, and the aims of the study. The introduction is written using double-space lines, single column, and 12-point Times New Roman with justified alignment. Text citation of references uses author-date style according to APA 7th Edition and multiple references are listed in alphabetical order separated by semicolon among references to differentiate citations, e.g. (Smith & Jones, 2016; Williams, 2014). Use "and" when giving a citation in sentences and "&" for parentheses, e.g., Smith and Jones (2016) or (Smith & Jones, 2016).
Materials and Methods
This section must present clear and concise research procedures for others to replicate the study. The use of subsections is allowed to explain some different continued-procedures. This section must clearly mention Ethics Approval/Statement if the research involves human or animal subjects in the research activities. The specifications of the materials and equipment used must be described in detail, including the trademark, supplier or manufacturer name, and region or country. This section also covers a brief narration of data analysis. Methods that have been published should be summarized and completed with in-text citations. Modified methods should be clearly described its modifications from the previously cited methods. Use the international system of units (SI) or SI-derived units to express units of measurement. Minus index is suggested to be used rather than slash (/), e.g., mg L-1, g L-1, not mg/L or g/L. This section is typed in 12-point Times New Roman, double space line, a single column with justified alignment.
Results and Discussion
Results and discussion must be presented within this section. The description of the results can be summarized from the data in the figures and tables focusing on the main findings. Please avoid rewriting the values presented in tables or graphs in the paragraphs. Discussion should explore the significance of the results/main findings and critically cross reference/compare them to related published studies. Figures and tables can be placed in this section and must be cross-referenced within the paragraph before the table/figure. This section is written in 12-point Times New Roman, double space line, a single column format with justified alignment.
Conclusions must summarize the results and answer the research questions or aims. Conclusions should be combined with the summary of the discussions, which explains why or how the highlighted results were obtained. This section is written in 12-point Times New Roman, double space line, a single column format with justified alignment.
This section acknowledges institutions or individuals providing funding sources or help during the study. The research funded by a research grant must mention the name of the research grant and its details, such as the funding organization and associated grant number (if applicable). This section is written in 12-point Times New Roman, double space line, a single column format with justified alignment.
The authors must identify who provided the financial support to conduct the research and or preparation of the manuscript. If there are no involved parties in providing the research fund, the author must also state it in this section.
Author Contribution
The authors are required to describe the role of each author in the manuscript using the relevant CRedit role (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) described in
Declaration of Competing Interest and Use generative AI
The authors must disclose any financial or personal influence from other people or institutions that may introduce bias in the result of the research. If there is no competing interest, this section must be filled with the statement "the authors declare no competing interests."
The follow-up paragraph in this section contains the authors' disclosure of the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technology in the writing process. If the authors use AI-based tools only for checking grammar, spelling, references and other light document touch-ups, this section should not be added to the manuscript. However, in case of the heavy use of AI in the writing process, including creating AI-based images/videos, the author must provide this statement describing the use of such tools:
"During the preparation of this work, the authors used [NAME AI TOOL/SERVICE] in order to [REASON]. The authors reviewed and edited the content of the created material as needed and take full responsibility for the content of the publication".
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the cited references. References must be formatted in APA 7th referencing style. References entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work. Authors are strongly recommended to use reference manager tools such as EndNote, Zotero or Mendeley. References are typed in 12-point Times New Roman, single space line, a single column format in justified alignment. The second and subsequent lines of each reference in the list must have a hanging indent (1 cm). The styles of references are different based on the type of
Preparation of Tables and Figures
Tables and figures must be placed within the main text. The tables and figures are uploaded individually in the OJS as supplementary files. The file name should use the table/graph numbering, e.g., Table 1/ Figure 1.
The tables have to meet the criteria as follows:
- Provide an editable form of tables. Do not use unedited tables (images/screenshots).
- The table captions should be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals and cross-referenced them in the text, e.g. (Gambar 1)/(Figure 1) or (Tabel 1)/(Table 1).
- The table captions are written Bahasa Indonesia and followed by its translation for the manuscript in Bahasa Indonesia or only in English for the manuscript in English. Type the title using 12-point Times New Roman, single space with sentence case letters in justified alignment, and give hanging indent for the second and consecutive lines of the table title.
- The body of the table is typed in 10-point Times New Roman, single space with left alignment, and only column headings are typed in bold.
- Please provide Bahasa Indonesia and English versions of any text in the body of the table for the manuscript submitted in Bahasa Indonesia. Use italic font to type the English version of the text. Tables in manuscripts written in English must use Egnoshy exclusively.
- Use single horizontal lines to separate column headings and to indicate the end of the table, other horizontal lines are not needed. Vertical lines should not be used in the tables.
- Capitalize only the first letter of the first word in each column and row entry.
- All abbreviations and symbols or any statistical explanation and used literature in the table body must be described in footnotes placed below the table and written in 10-point Times New Roman, single space in justified alignment.
An example of table format can be seen below.
The preparation of figures should refer to the following guidelines:
- Figures are placed in the text based on the format of either vector art formats (Illustrator, EPS, WMF, FreeHand, CorelDraw, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) or bitmap formats (JPG, TIFF). Bitmap images should be of 300 dpi resolution. Provide an editable form of charts, not as images.
- Additionally, each Figure must be individually uploaded in the OJS as supplementary material.
- The figure captions should be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals and cross-referenced in the text before the figures appear.
- The figure caption is written in Bahasa Indonesia, followed by its translation for the manuscript in Bahasa Indonesia or only in English for the manuscript in English. Type the title using 12-point Times New Roman, single space with sentence case letters in justified alignment, and give hanging indent for the second and consecutive lines of the table title. Place the figure title below the Figure.
- Any additional texts/notes accompanying the figures should be placed as part of the figure captions or embedded within the figures. Use italic font to type the English version of the text, while all the text in the figure body of the manuscript submitted in English is only provided in English.
- Capitalize only the first letter of the first word in any text contained in the figure body.
- All abbreviations and symbols or any statistical explanation and used literature in the figure body must be described in footnotes placed below the figure title and written in 10-point Times New Roman, single space in justified alignment.
An example of figure format is presented below.
Peer Review Process
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur (JRA) only receives online submissions through its open journal system (OJS). Submission of a manuscript implies that the manuscript has not been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Submitted manuscripts with missing supplementary files or not following the manuscript format will be rejected or returned to the authors for resubmission.
A complete submission will be processed for initial review for the first decision and continued for double-blind peer review if it is deemed to have the potential for publication.
Submitted manuscripts that are complete with supplementary files, following the formatting requirement, and most importantly in line with the focus and scope of Jurnal Riset Akuakultur (JRA) will be selected for further publication processes. The Editor/Co-Editor-in-Chief with the support of Editorial staff will carry out an initial review to check the compliance of the manuscript with JRA requirement and plagiarism issues (Ithenticate). If manuscripts satisfy the writing format and research content requirement and pass plagiarism checking with similarity index not exceeding 20%, the Editor/Co-Editor-in-Chief will commence the double blind peer review process by assigning one manuscript to at least one Editorial Board member and one External Reviewer to provide recommendation of rejection or acceptance of the manuscript. The reviewed manuscript will be sent back to the author for the necessary revision. A regular editorial team meeting is held to help the Editor-Editor-in-Chief deciding the acceptance or rejection of submitted manuscripts.
After completing the peer review process, the accepted manuscript will be rechecked its similarity index to maintain high publication quality post-revision process. If the similarity index of the accepted manuscript is more than 20%, the manuscript will be sent back to the author to necessary revision until the similarity index not exceeding 20%. The manuscript will then be moved to copyediting phase to be have the last formatting changes by the authors. Post copyediting, the manuscript will be prepared for publication which include layouting and proofreading. All review and publication process within JRA are performed through open journal system (OJS). The transparent review and publication process within JRA are illustrated below.
Article Processing Charges
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur (JRA) is an open access journal with free online access to all content. No page or article processing charges are collected. There is no payment required at any stage of the article publication process.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- Cover Letter (single file)
- Authorship Statement (single file)
- Title Page (single file)
- Main text/manuscript (single file)
- Table (each table can be provided in an individual file or in different spreadsheets of a single file and its native format, ex. excel)
Graph/figure (each graph created using MS Office or other standard software shall be provided in its native format. Figure is preferred in JPG/TIFF format and has a resolution of at least 300 dpi)
- Other supplementary materials (supplemented datasets should be archived in a well-known database repository)
Copyright Notice
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Privacy Statement
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Fast-Track Review: 0.00 (IDR)
Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)
If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.

Jurnal Riset Akuakultur is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.