Odang Carman, Aulia Saputra, Alimuddin Alimuddin, Maskur Maskur, Dian R Herdianto, Ratu Siti Aliah, Komar Sumantadinata, Tristiana Yuniarti


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji performa ikan nila hasil sex reversal (SRV), genetically male tilapia (GMT), dan YY pada fase pendederan pertama di akuarium. Benih ikan dipelihara selama 22 hari, dari umur 6 hari hingga 28 hari. Parameter yang diamati meliputi tingkat sintasan, persentase ikan jantan, laju pertumbuhan, dan biomassa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat sintasan tidak berbeda (P>0,05) antar ketiga kelompok ikan dan kontrol (KN), berkisar antara 85,30%--86,20%. Persentase ikan jantan antara SRV (94,5% ± 1,32%) vs. GMT (93,8% ± 1,25%) dan GMT vs. YY (90,2% ± 1,83%) tidak berbeda (P>0,05), sedangkan antara SRV lebih tinggi daripada YY (P<0,05). Persentase ikan jantan pada ketiga kelompok ikan tersebut lebih tinggi (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan KN (56,9% ± 3,62%). Pertumbuhan ikan YY dan GMT lebih cepat (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan ikan SRV dan kontrol (KN). Bobot rata-rata ikan YY pada akhir penelitian mencapai 485 mg, ikan GMT 456 mg, ikan SRV 379 mg dan kontrol 342 mg. Produksi biomassa ikan YY, GMT, dan SRV masing-masing sebesar 41,3%; 32,9%; dan 10,3% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan KN. Dengan performa yang tinggi dan pertimbangan teknis di lapangan, benih GMT merupakan alternatif yang baik untuk dibudidayakan dalam rangka meningkatkan produksi ikan nila.

The experiment was conducted to determine the performance of sex reversed (SRV), genetically male tilapia (GMT), and YY tilapia on first nursery phase in aquarium. Fry were reared for 22 days, from 6 to 28 days-old. Survival rate, percentage of male fish, growth rate and biomass were observed. The result of the study showed that survival rate among fish group and control were similar (P>0.05), ranged from 85.30%-86.20%. Percentage of male fish between SRV (94.5% ± 1.32%) versus GMT (93.8% ± 1.25%) and GMT versus YY (90.2% ± 1.83%) were also similar (P>0.05), while SRV is higher than YY (P<0.05). Percentage of male fish in the three fish groups was higher than that of control (56.9% ± 3.62%). Growth of YY fish and GMT were higher compared to SRV and control fish (KN). The mean weight of YY fish at the end of the experiment reached 476 mg, GMT fish 447 mg, SRV fish 379 mg and control 342 mg. Biomass of YY, GMT and SRV fish were respectively higher by 41.3%, 32.9%, and 10.3% compared to control. With high performance and technical consideration in farm, GMT fish can be a potential alternative to be cultured in fish farm in order to increase aquaculture production of nile tilapia.


nila; laju pertumbuhan; biomassa; sex reversal; GMT; monoseks jantan

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