Gunarto Gunarto, Erfan Andi Hendrajat


Pengaruh beberapa jenis probiotik diujikan pada pertumbuhan, sintasan, dan produksi udang vanamei yang dibudidayakan dengan pola semi-intensif di tambak. Tambak ukuran 4.000 m2 sebanyak enam petak masing-masing ditebari benur vanamei (L. vannamei) PL-10 dengan padat tebar 100.000 ekor/petak. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah A). Pemberian fermentasi probiotik komersial I, B). Pemberian probiotik komersial II yang dicampurkan ke dalam pakan udang dengan dosis sesuai kemasan, C). Pemberian fermentasi probiotik produksi Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau (BRPBAP), Maros yang terdiri atas kombinasi bakteri laut (BL 542), mangrove (BR 931, MY 1112), dan bakteri tambak (MR 55, BT 950). Masing-masing perlakuan dengan dua ulangan. Pemberian probiotik dilakukan setiap minggu dimulai satu minggu sebelum penebaran hingga menjelang panen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan A dan B rata-rata bobot akhir udang lebih tinggi dari yang diperoleh pada perlakuan C. Laju tumbuh harian udang pada perlakuan A berkisar 0,12—0,17 g/hari; sedangkan perlakuan B dan C masing-masing berkisar 0,15—0,16 g/hari dan 0,12—0,14 g/hari. Sintasan udang pada semua perlakuan lebih dari 90%. Rata-rata produksi udang paling tinggi dijumpai pada perlakuan A (1.339,1 ± 85,56 kg), kemudian perlakuan C (1.221,75 ± 95,39 kg), dan terendah pada perlakuan B (1.172,95 ± 111,79 kg). Ketiga perlakuan tersebut menunjukkan perbedaan yang tidak berarti (P>0,05) pada bobot akhir, laju tumbuh harian, sintasan, dan produksi udang vanamei yang dibudidayakan. Probiotik komersial yang dipergunakan pada perlakuan A mempunyai efek yang cenderung lebih baik dalam hal memperbaiki kualitas air (BOT, amoniak, nitrit, dan fosfat) dan kemungkinan faktor tersebut berakibat pada produksi udang di perlakuan A lebih tinggi daripada di perlakuan B dan C.

The efectiveness of probiotics were tested on the growth, survival rates, production, and water quality condition of Pacific white shrimp L. vannamei cultured in pond under semi-intensif system. Six of pond compartments each sized 4,000 m2 were stocked with PL-10 at the density of 100,000 fries/compartment. Three treatments of probiotics application in pond were tested, there were A). Fermentation of commercial probiotic type 1, B). Commercial probiotic type 2 was applied by mixed it with shrimp feed at the recommended dosage, C). Fermentation of probiotic produced by RICA which composed of marine bacteria (BL 542), mangrove bacteria (BR 931, MY 1112) and pond bacteria (MR 55, BT 950). Each treatment was done in two replicated. On treatment A and C probiotic applied weekly to the ponds started on the first week before shrimp stocking untill harvested, while in treatment B probiotic application was mixed with feed pellet then it was given to the cultured shrimp in the ponds. Result of the research showed that final shrimp body weight in treatment A and B tend to be higher compared to the treatment C. Daily shrimp growth-rate in treatment A: 0.12—0.17 g/day, treatment B: 0.15—0.16 g/day and treatment C: 0.12—0.14 g/day. Shrimp survival rates in all treatments were more than 90%. Highest shrimp production was found in treatment A (1,339.1 ± 85.56 kg), then followed by treatment C (1,221.75 ± 95.39 kg) and the lowest in treatment B (1,172.95 ± 111.79 kg). However among those treatments there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in final shrimp weight, daily growth rate, survival rate and shrimp production. Probiotics used in treatment A resulted in the enhancement of water quality condition (total organic matter, ammonium, nitrite, and phosphate) compared to the other two tested probiotics (treatment B and treatment C). This condition presummably resulted the highest shrimp production in treatment A.


probiotic; growth; survival rate; production

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jra.3.3.2008.339-349

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