Ketut Mahardika, Indah Mastuti, Sudewi Sudewi, Yasmina Nirmala Asih, Ahmad Muzaki, I Nyoman Adiasmara Giri


Beta-nodavirus sebagai agen penyebab VNN (virus nervous necrosis) dan infeksi GSDIV (grouper sleepy disease iridovirus, isolat dari genus Megalocytivirus) merupakan penyakit yang menyebabkan mortalitas yang tinggi pada larva dan juvenil ikan kerapu dan kakap di Indonesia. Pencegahan infeksi virus tersebut menjadi prioritas utama dalam budidaya ikan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas vaksin bivalen dalam mencegah infeksi virus VNN dan GSDIV pada pemeliharaan larva ikan kerapu sunu, Plectropomus leopardus. Sebanyak 5 mL vaksin bivalen (kombinasi antara vaksin protein rekombinan VNN dan GSDIV dengan rasio 1:1 v/v) di bio-enkapsulasi ke dalam 30 liter pakan alami Rotifera dan Artemia (2 x 104 individu/mL). Aplikasi vaksin pada larva ikan kerapu sunu dilakukan melalui pakan alami Rotifera dari umur 5-24 hari dan Artemia dari umur 25-50 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa vaksin bivalen tidak berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasan larva kerapu sunu (panjang: 1,8-2,2 cm dan sintasan: 1,05%-4,07%). Hasil uji tantang dengan VNN dan GSDIV menunjukkan bahwa vaksin tersebut dapat menginduksi gen imunitas larva (MHC-I).

Beta-nodavirus as the causative agent of VNN (viral nervous necrosis) and GSDIV infection (grouper sleepy disease iridovirus, isolate from the genus Megalocytivirus) has caused high mortality of cultured grouper and sea bass larvae and juvenile in Indonesia. The prevention of this virus infection on grouper and sea bass culture has become one of the national priority. The purpose of this research was to study the effectiveness of the bivalent vaccine in preventing VNN and GSDIV infections to seed of coral trout grouper, Plectropomus leopardus reared in hatchery. Applications of bivalent vaccine (a combination of protein recombinant VNN and GSDIV vaccine with a ratio of 1:1 v/v) were done by bio-encapsulation using the fish natural diet, Rotifera and Artemia, with a dose of 5 mL vaccine in 30 liters of natural diet (2 x 104 ind./mL). Vaccines were given once a day from the larval age of 5-24 days after hatching using Rotifera and 25-50 day after hatching using Artemia. The results showed that the bivalent vaccine did not influence the growth and survival rate of coral trout grouper larvae (ranged of total length: 1.8-2.2 cm and survival rate: 1.05%-4.07%). The challenge test with VNN and GSDIV revealed that the vaccine had positively induced gene related immunity of larvae MHC-I.


kerapu sunu; Megalocytivirus; VNN; vaksin bivalen; coral trout grouper; Megalocytivirus; VNN; bivalent vaccine

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jra.13.4.2018.337-346

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