Ketut Mahardika, Indah Mastuti, Ahmad Muzaki, Zafran Zafran


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas bahan kimia terhadap Zeylanicobdella arugamensis yang menginfeksi ikan kerapu hibrida cantik secara in vitro dan in vivo. Uji in vitro dilakukan dengan mengoleksi Z. arugamensis dari ikan kerapu hibrida cantik dan ditempatkan dalam cawan petri (100-200 ekor/cawan petri). Z. arugamensis tersebut diinkubasi dalam suhu ruang selama satu hari agar menghasilkan coccon. Masing-masing dua cawan petri yang berisi Z. arugamensis direndam dengan obat cacing dan bahan kimia seperti albendazole, levamisole, oxfendazole, dan piperazine pada dosis 1.000 mg/L, ivermectin dosis 30-100 mg/L, calcium hypochlorite (kaporit) dosis 10.000 mg/L, formalin dosis 200-400 mg/L, klorin dosis 200-400 mg/L, tembakau dosis 10.000-50.000 mg/L dalam air laut dan air tawar, dan air laut sebagai kontrol. Perendaman dilakukan selama 60 menit dan selanjutnya diganti dengan air laut steril untuk diinkubasi selama 13 hari. Bahan kimia tersebut juga digunakan untuk perendaman secara in vivo terhadap ikan kerapu hibrida cantik yang terinfeksi lintah. Hasil uji in vitro menunjukkan bahwa formalin dan klorin pada dosis 300 mg/L dan 400 mg/L, ivermectin dosis 100 mg/L, kaporit dosis 10.000 mg/L selama 60 menit mampu membunuh Z. arugamensis dan cocconnya hingga 100%. Sedangkan perendaman obat cacing, dan tembakau kurang efektif untuk membunuh Z. arugamensis dan cocconnya. Hasil uji in vivo menunjukkan bahwa bahan kimia dengan dosis tinggi bersifat toksik pada ikan uji. Perendaman dengan formalin dan hidrogen peroksida pada dosis 100-200 mg/L dalam air tawar selama 60 menit efektif dalam membunuh Z. arugamensis dan aman bagi ikan kerapu hibrida cantik.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of different chemical compounds on parasite Zeylanicobdella arugamensis infecting hybrid grouper “cantik” through vitro and in vivo. The in vitro tests were carried out by collecting leeches from hybrid grouper “cantik”, and then placed in petridishes (100-200 leeches/petridish). The Z. arugamensis was incubated at room temperature for one day to allow cocoon. Afterward, each of the two petridishes containing Z. arugamensis were soaked with each selected chemical such as albendazole, levamisole, oxfendazole, and piperazine at doses of 1,000 ppm; ivermectin doses of 30-100 ppm; calcium hypochlorite dosage of 10,000 ppm; formalin doses 200-400 ppm; chlorine doses 200-400 ppm; tobacco doses 10,000-50,000 ppm mixed in sea water or fresh water, fresh water and sea water as a control. Soaking with the chemicals was carried out for 60 minutes and then replaced with sterile sea water and incubated for 13 days. These chemicals were also used in in vivo treatment against hybrid grouper “cantik” infected by Z. arugamensis. The in vitro test showed that formalin and chlorine at doses of 300 ppm and 400 ppm, ivermectin at a dose of 100 ppm, calcium hypochlorite dose of 10,000 ppm of seawater for 60 minutes were able to kill Z. arugamensis and its cocoon up to 100%. While the use of anti-worm chemicals or medicines (albendazole, levamisole, oxfendazole, piperazine), and herbal tobacco drugs were less effective in killing Z. arugamensis and its cocoon. The in vivo test provided evidences that high-dose of chemicals were toxic to hybrid grouper “cantik”. Soaking with formalin and hydrogen peroxide at a dose of 100-200 ppm in fresh water for 60 minutes were effective in killing Z. arugamensis and safe for hybrid grouper “cantik”.


bahan kimia; coccon; kerapu hibrida; uji in vitro; uji in vivo; Zeylanicobdella arugamensis; chemicals; cocoon; hybrid grouper; in vitro test; in vivo test; Zeylanicobdella arugamensis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jra.14.1.2019.29-38

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