Muzahar - Muzahar, Muhammad Zairin Jr., Fredinan Yulianda, Muhammad Agus Suprayudi, Alimuddin Alimuddin, Irzal Effendi


Gonggong adalah sejenis siput laut yang merupakan makanan laut (seafood) favorit dan ikon Kota Tanjungpinang, ibukota Provinsi Kepulauan Riau (Kepri). Gonggong mengandung protein tinggi, yaitu sekitar 46,65%. Tidak ada laporan tentang produksi budidaya dan upaya konservasi gonggong. Teknologi produksi benih buatan gonggong belum berkembang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pemberian kombinasi hormon LHRH-a dan antidopamin untuk menginduksi proses pemijahan. Evaluasi pemberian hormon LHRH-a dan antidopamin pada pemijahan siput gonggong dilakukan dengan empat dosis: 0,5 ìLgι bobot badan lunak (BB) (P1); 0,7 ìLgι BB; dan 0,9 ìLgι BB (P2); dan tanpa suntikan (TS). Siput gonggong pascasuntikan dipelihara di akuarium selama 14 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) kombinasi hormon LHRH-a dan antidopamin mampu merangsang pemijahan gonggong. Dosis rendah hormon LHRH-a dan antidopamin (P-1) menghasilkan induk betina yang memijah paling banyak, yaitu 34,48%; lebih tinggi dari P-2 (27,59%), P-3 (20,69%); dan TS (17,24%); (2) jumlah telur yang dikeluarkan oleh induk betina berbeda secara signifikan antar perlakuan (P<0,05). Jumlah telur yang dikeluarkan oleh masing-masing induk berkisar antara 10.874-63.489 butir/ekor dengan rata-rata 39.347 ± 16.667 butir/ekor.

The gonggong is a species of sea conch which is a favourite seafood and an icon of Tanjungpinang City, capital of Kepulauan Riau (Kepri) Province. Gonggong contains high protein, about 46.65%. There were no reports on aquaculture production and conservation effort of gonggong. The technology on artificial seed production of gonggong has not yet developed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the administration of LHRH-a hormone and anti-dopamine to induce the spawning process. Evaluation of the administration of LHRH-a hormone and anti-dopamine on the gonggong conch’s spawning was carried out with four doses: 0.5 ìLgι soft body weight (BW) (P-1), 0.7 ìLgι BW; and 0.9 ìLgι BW (P-2); and without injections (TS). The gonggong conchs after injection were reared in aquarium for 14 days. The results showed that (1) a combination of LHRH-a hormone and anti-dopamine was able to stimulate gonggong spawning. The lower dose of LHRH-a hormone and anti-dopamine (P-1) produced the highest number of spawned female broodstock, which was 34.48%, higher than P-2 (27.59%), P-3 (20.69%), and TS (17.24%); (2) the number of eggs released by female broodstock was significantly different among the treatments (P<0.05). The number of eggs released by each female broodstock ranges between 10,874-63,489 grains/ind. with an average of 39,347±16,667 grains/ind.



hormon LHRH-a dan antidopamin; pemijahan; siput gonggong; LHRH-a hormone and anti-dopamine; spawning; gonggong conch

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