Sari Budi Moria Sembiring, Zeny Widi Astuti, Ni Ketut Maha Setiawati, I nyoman Adiasmara Giri, Haryanti Haryanti


Peningkatan sintasan dan pertumbuhan benih teripang melalui pemberian probiotik dan prebiotik dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi kemungkinan adanya efek stimulasi sistem pencernaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efek potensial dari probiotik dan prebiotik pada performa pertumbuhan, serta aktivitas enzim pencernaan teripang pasir. Pada penelitian ini ada empat perlakuan, yaitu: (A) pakan buatan + campuran tiga isolat bakteri (Gamma proteobacterium M-4, Bacillus subtilis Q-1, Bacillus sp. E-2); (B) pakan buatan + Mannanoligosaccharida (MOS) + campuran tiga isolat bakteri; (C) pakan buatan + MOS; dan (D) pakan buatan (kontrol). Masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali dan penelitian berlangsung selama tiga bulan. Benih teripang pasir (bobot 4,1 ± 1,6 g; panjang total 4,0 ± 0,8 cm) dipelihara dalam bak persegi berkapasitas 150 L dengan kepadatan 30 ekor per bak. Parameter yang diamati adalah pertumbuhan, sintasan, dan aktivitas enzim pencernaan. Analisis aktivitas enzim dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometer. Data pertumbuhan dianalisis dengan analisis ragam (ANOVA) pada selang kepercayaan 95%. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa benih teripang pasir yang diberi pakan buatan + campuran tiga isolat (perlakuan A) menghasilkan pertambahan bobot sebesar 210,5 ± 21,%; lebih tinggi (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan perlakuan C dan D. Sintasan untuk semua perlakuan mencapai 100%. Penambahan probiotik dan prebiotik dalam pakan juga meningkatkan aktivitas enzim lipase, amilase, protease dan selulase pada pencernaan benih teripang pasir mulai dari 30 hari pemeliharaan sampai akhir percobaan. Untuk efisiensi bahan dan penyiapan pakan, cukup hanya dengan menggunakan probiotik dalam pendederan benih teripang pasir.

Increasing survival and growth of sandfish juveniles can be achieved through the administration of probiotic and prebiotic in the feed. These results are suspected to be caused by probiotic and prebiotic ability to stimulate and improve the early development of sandfish’s digestive system. This study aimed to determine the potential effects of probiotic and prebiotic on the growth performance and digestive enzymes activity of sandfish. The experiment was started by culturing three bacterial isolates in marine broth media, followed by formulating the experimental feed and then feeding the reared sandfish juveniles with different treatment feeds. There were four treatment feeds used, namely: (A) artificial feed + a mixture of three bacterial isolates (Gamma proteobacterium M-4, Bacillus subtilis Q-1, Bacillus sp. E-2); (B) artificial feed + MOS + mixture of three bacterial isolates; (C) artificial feed + MOS; and (D) artificial feed only (control). Each treatment was repeated three times. Sandfish juvenile (4.1 ± 1.6 g in body weight and a total length of 4.0 ± 0.8 cm) were reared in rectangular plastic containers with a volume of 150 L with a stocking density of 30 juveniles per container. The study lasted for three months, during which the research parameters observed were growth, survival, and digestive enzyme activity. Enzyme activity analysis was performed using the spectrophotometer method. Growth data were statistically analyzed (one-way ANOVA) at 95% significant level. The results showed that sandfish juveniles fed with the artificial feed + three isolates mixture (treatment A) had gained weight as much as 210.5 ± 21.9% higher and significantly different (P<0.05) compare to that of treatment C and D. The sandfish survival rates in all treatments during the research were 100%. The addition of probiotic and prebiotic in the feed also increased the activity of lipase, amylase, protease, and cellulase enzymes in the digestion of sandfish juveniles starting from day-30 to the end of the experiment. This research concludes that feed usage can be reduced by only applying probiotic mix during sandfish juveniles nursery.


aktivitas enzim; pertumbuhan; probiotik; prebiotik; teripang pasir; enzyme activity; growth; probiotic; prebiotic; sandfish

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